
  • 网络Beijing National Accounting Institute
  1. 北京国家会计学院管理信息系统是北京国家会计学院在工作运行中参与管理全院的教学教务、财务信息、人事与资源等的计算机系统。

    Beijing National Accounting Institute Management Information System is a computer system of Beijing National Accounting Institute in the work in the management of hospital-wide operation , the teaching of academic , financial information , personnel and resources .

  2. 经过业务功能模块的不断扩展,北京国家会计学院管理信息系统已经成为重要业务数据的支撑处理平台,不仅帮助业务部门高效的完成了工作,还为领导层提供了决策性和指导性的凭证。

    Through the continuous expansion of business function modules , the Beijing National Accounting Institute Management Information System has become an important business data processing platform support , not only to help businesses efficiently completed its work , but also for providing leadership and guidance in decision-making credentials .

  3. 这些都是北京国家会计学院希望自己的学员能用于思考的术语。

    Those are the terms in which the Nai wants its boot campers to think .

  4. 北京国家会计学院身材瘦高的副院长秦荣生郑重地介绍了学院的起源:10年前,中国企业毫不重视、或者说不那么重视培训。

    Qin Rongsheng , the NAI 's spindly vice-president , solemnly describes its origins : Ten years ago , Chinese enterprises paid no attention , or less attention , to training .