
  • 网络beijing news
  1. 预应力技术在北京新闻文化中心工程中的应用

    Application of Prestress Technology in the Beijing News and Culture Center Project

  2. 《北京新闻》没有详细报道单、双号制度是否还会使用。

    The Beijing News did not specify whether the odd-even system would be used for the Games .

  3. 打造摄影名都扩大文化交流建设文化强省&在2005平遥国际摄影大展北京新闻发布会上的讲话

    Speech at the Press Conference in Beijing on the 2005 Pingyao International Photography Festival

  4. 北京新闻援引一位消防长官的话说,死者是一位23岁的特技演员。

    The person killed was a23-year-old stuntman , the Beijing News reported , citing a local fire commander .

  5. 他是北京新闻日报的主编,去年十一月出版《漂亮的动物》。

    He is an editor at the popular Beijing News daily and his book Fanciful Animals was published last November .

  6. 首先报道这一事件的媒体是北京新闻,他们认为建造水池的矿业公司可能违反了环境规章制度。

    A report first made by Beijing News raised the issue possible environmental violations committed by the mining companies that built the ponds .

  7. 根据北京新闻报道,北京故宫博物院(也叫作紫禁城)计划将允许游客夜游。

    The Palace Museum ( also known as Forbidden City ) in Beijing might allow visitors access for night viewing , Beijing News reports .

  8. 据《北京新闻》报道,在北京郊区一家诊所被卫生部门取缔后,十名在该诊所就诊的患者绝望地说他们失去了“最后一线生的希望”。

    Ten desperately ill patients say they have lost their last chance to live after the health authority shut a clinic they had set up for kidney dialysis in suburban Beijing .

  9. 根据北京新闻报道,中国中部地区的安徽省效仿邻省的湖北省以及中国南部的海南省,将会对女性职工实行月经期间带薪休假政策。

    Female workers in Central China 's Anhui province will enjoy paid menstrual leave , following the example of their peers in neighboring Hubei province and South China 's Hainan province .

  10. 在一罕见的简报会,中国国防部发言人耿延生宣布30人队伍的组成,以提高军队的安全,北京新闻周四报导。

    At a rare briefing , China 's defense ministry spokesman , Geng Yansheng , announced that the30-strong team was formed to improve the military 's security , the Beijing News reported Thursday .

  11. 北京新闻星期四报道,北京市城市规划管理局计划在未来五年内建立15个新的地铁站,并且会为哺乳妈妈提供地铁哺乳专区。

    Beijing 's urban planning authority plans to include accommodations for breast-feeding mothers in 15 new subway stations that are planned for construction over the next five years , Beijing News reported on Thursday .

  12. 北京新闻引用盛的话:刘只是个人事件,不会对铁路系统的未来发展及士气有大的影响。

    Liu 's is " an individual case " and will not have a big impact on the railway system 's future development and morale , Sheng was quoted by the Beijing News as saying .

  13. 位于北京新闻中心酒店的新闻中心将为来自国外,香港和澳门特别行政区以及台湾地区的新闻记者及媒体工作人员发放进场胸卡并处理申请。

    Based at the Beijing Media Center Hotel , the center will handle credentials and applications for foreign journalists and correspondents from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions , as well as the Taiwan region .

  14. 根据北京新闻,管理平安的高密市政府,计划在这位作家旧居周围建造6700万英镑的“莫言文化体验之旅”的主题公园。

    Authorities in Gaomi , the municipality that administers Ping'an , plans to build a £ 67m " Mo Yan Culture Experience " theme park around the writer 's old home , according to the Beijing News .

  15. 2015年前三季度特斯拉在中国共售出3025辆,第一季度销量为791辆,第二季度销量882辆,第三季度1345辆。马斯克在北京新闻发布会揭开了特斯拉新自动驾驶系统。

    Sales in China in the first three quarters of 2015 reached 3025 cars , with 791 sold in Q1 , 882 in Q2 and 1345 in Q3 , respectively , Musk said at a press conference to unveil Tesla 's new Autopilot system in Beijing .

  16. 2008北京奥运新闻报道英雄叙事研究

    A Research on Hero Narration in 2008 Beijing Olympic News Reporting

  17. 22岁的魏笑是北京大学新闻系研究生。她原本打算在上交日期前1个月开始写一篇论文。

    The22-year-old postgraduate in journalism from Peking University decided to write an essay one month before it was due .

  18. 在北京的新闻发布会上毛群安表示,对于艾滋病的感染情况中国还需要一段时间的了解。

    At a press briefing in Beijing , he said it took time for China to learn about AIDS .

  19. 商务部部长高虎城在北京的新闻发布会上表示,钢铁行业的产能过剩并不仅仅是中国的问题。

    Gao Hucheng , minister of commerce , told a press conference in Beijing that overcapacity in the metals industry was not just a Chinese problem .

  20. 中国统计局发言人李晓超在北京的新闻发布会上说,“严峻的国际环境”到中国的出口。

    Li Xiaochao , spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics , said at a Beijing briefing that " the grave international environment " affected Chinese exports .

  21. 陈昌凤:北京大学新闻学院教授、副院长;中国人民大学新闻与传播学院博士。

    Chen Changfeng : Professor , Deputy Dean , School of Journalism and Communication , Peking University ; Ph.D. , School of Journalism , Renmin University of China .

  22. 北京大学新闻与传播学院教授程曼丽表示,尽管尊重逝者是“最基本的要求”,但同时她也指出,广电协会不能强迫郭德纲道歉。

    Cheng Manli , a media professor at Peking University , said respecting the dead " is a basic requirement " but explained that the association cannot compel Guo to provide an apology .

  23. “这次阅兵受到了每个人的关注,”美联社北京分社新闻主任胡大卫说:“中国的强势增长已引起了所有人的兴趣。”

    " Anyone would be interested in seeing this parade ," said David Wivell , senior producer of the Associated Press'television news . " They 'd be interested because of China 's strong growth . "

  24. 国家统计局的发言人,郑经平(音译)在北京一新闻发布会上透露,为了能给过热的增长降温,政府将会“继续和加强”对上述产业投资的限制。

    The government will ` ` maintain and strengthen ''restrictions on investment in those industries in which it 's trying to cool expansion , Zheng jingping , a spokesman for National Bureau of statistics , said at a press briefing in beijing .

  25. 绿色和平于周二在北京举行新闻发布会公布了研究报告,江卓珊在发布会上说:兰坪县政府在2013年再次宣布了搬迁计划,并对村民说在2016年底之前可以完成搬迁。

    At a news conference in Beijing on Tuesday , at which the Greenpeace report was released , Ms. Kong said : In 2013 , the Lanping County government announced again a relocation plan and told villagers they would be relocated by the end of 2016 .

  26. 北京邮电大学新闻媒体上网初探

    An Approach to the Entry of News Media at BUPT into Internet

  27. 08北京奥运会新闻报道思路与对策研究

    Research on News Report Thought and Countermeasures about 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  28. 他们在收听北京台的新闻联播。

    They are listening to a news bulletin put out by Radio Beijing .

  29. 她回到中国,在北京大学学习新闻。

    She went back to China , to study journalism at Peking University .

  30. 北京电视台新闻节目生产网络系统

    News Program Production Network System at Beijing Television