
cháng lòu
  • intestinal fistula
肠瘘[cháng lòu]
  1. 目的研究与评价主动吸引引流技术(ASD)在肠瘘(IF)治疗中的特殊应用与价值。

    Objective To study and evaluate the technique of active suction drainage ( ASD ) in the treatment of intestinal fistula ( IF ) .

  2. 22例肠瘘病人的术后护理及营养支持

    Postoperative nursing care and nutritional support of 22 patients with intestinal fistula

  3. 输入途径为鼻饲30例,空肠造口48例,经肠瘘口插管10例。EN结束时患者的体重、血浆蛋白、转铁蛋白均较开始时显著增加。

    The body weight , plasma proteins and transferrin levels increased significantly in these patients after finishing EN supports .

  4. 结论:Gln强化的PN可以减少肠瘘病人CRI的发生,尤其是来源于肠道的革兰阴性菌的感染。

    Conclusions : Glutamine supplementation can decrease morbidity of CRI in gastrointestinal fistula patients , especially gut-derived Gram-negative infection .

  5. 目的:观察用短肽型要素(百普素)对肠瘘病人进行全肠内营养支持(TEN)的疗效和了解各类营养指标的敏感性。

    Objectives : To observe the efficacy of enteral nutrition with short peptide elemental diet ( Pepti 2000 ) in patients with gastrointestinal fistulas and evaluate the sensitivity of nutrition associated index in nutrition monitoring .

  6. 1例恶性肿瘤病人患小肠瘘,治疗后肠液排出量明显减少。[结论]在加用TNP的基础上,善得定能有效促使肠外瘘瘘口愈合,对高位肠瘘的疗效尤为明显。

    [ CONCLUSION ] Combined with TNP , Sandostatin is promotive of healing for external intestinal fistula , especially for high intestinal fistula .

  7. 并发症有腹腔脓肿、ARDS、MSOF、肠瘘、胰瘘、切口感染、应激性溃疡、假性囊肿,共20例次。

    The complications , including abdominal abscess , ARDS , MSOF , intestine fistula , pancreatic leak , incision infection , stress ulcer , pseudocyst add up to 20 cases .

  8. 结论SAP早期手术、胰周感染、手术时引流管放置不当或时间过长与十二肠瘘发生有关。

    Conclusions ( Duodenal ) fistula is related to early operation for SAP , peripancreatic infection , and improper placement of ( drainage ) tube at time of operation or ( prolonged ) ( placement ) of ( drainage ) tube .

  9. 术后并发肠瘘、应激性溃疡大出血、成人呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)、肺部和腹腔感染,最后死于心肺功能衰竭,共存活30d。

    Complications of intestinal fistula , stress ulcer and bleeding , ARDS , pulmonary and abdominal infection occurred after operation . The patient died from heart failure and lung failure and survived 30 days .

  10. 方法:对合并严重腹腔感染的36例肠瘘病人,根据预后将其分为存活(SG)组和死亡(DG)组,连续观察病人的疾病危重度评分、能量代谢等指标。

    Methods : Thirty six gastrointestinal fistula patients were enrolled in this study . Based on outcomes , these patients were divided into two groups : survival group ( SG ) and dead group ( DG ) .

  11. 结论合并腹腔感染和MODS的肠瘘病人,其REE显著增加,并且与CRP、TNFα、IL6、IL8水平显著相关。

    Conclusion REE of the gastrointestinal fistula patients who suffered from infection or MODS increased significantly , and significantly correlated with serum concentration of CRP , TNF - α, IL-6 , and IL-8 , based on linear regression analysis .

  12. 急性出血坏死性胰腺炎并发胃肠瘘的外科治疗

    Surgical treatment of gastrointestinal fistulas caused by acute hemorrhagic narcotizing pancreatitis

  13. 克罗恩病并发肠瘘的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and management of Crohn disease complicated with gastrointestinal fistulae

  14. 发生胰瘘、肠瘘在内的各类并发症6例。

    There were 6 complications including fistula and peritoneal infections .

  15. 克隆氏病肠瘘&全胃肠外营养在治疗中的作用

    Total Parental Nutrition in the Treatment of Crohn 's Disease

  16. 高流量肠瘘营养支持治疗的体会

    A report of TPN support to high discharge intestinal fistula

  17. 表现为肠瘘的小肠间质细胞瘤1例

    Gastrointestinal tract stromal tumor with huge fistula : report of one case

  18. 目的:探讨肠瘘治疗方法。

    Objective : To explore methods for the treatment of intestine fistula .

  19. 急性重症胰腺炎并发结肠瘘的治疗体会

    Surgical treatment of colonic fistulas resulting form severe acute pancreatitis

  20. 肠瘘患者的治疗与护理

    The nursing about treatment of the patients with intestinal fistula

  21. 个体化运动处方在肠瘘合并严重营养不良患者中的应用

    Individualized physical exercise prescription on patients with intestinal fistula and severe malnutrition

  22. 复杂肠瘘切除吻合术围手术期大剂量应用蛇毒血凝酶的临床观察

    Perioperative use of large dosage of hemocoagulase in complicated fistula

  23. 肠瘘外科治疗方法探讨(附34例报告)

    Exploration of surgical treatment for intestinal fistula : report of 34 cases .

  24. 肠外营养支持对肠瘘患者的作用

    Role of Parenteral Nutrition in Patients with Gastrointestinal Fistulas

  25. 胰酶对肠瘘病人肠内营养物质吸收的影响

    The effect of pancreatic enzyme in enteral nutrition in patients with gastrointestinal fistulas

  26. 腹腔感染和全身性感染是肠瘘治疗中的难点之一。

    Intra-abdominal infection and systemic infection are the difficulties in treatment of fistula ;

  27. 重症急性胰腺炎并发结肠瘘的探讨

    Colonic fistula as a complication of severe acute pancreatitis

  28. 主动吸引引流技术在肠瘘治疗中的特殊应用与价值

    Special Application and Appraisement of Active Suction Drainage in Management of Intestinal Fistula

  29. 十二指肠损伤术后导致肠瘘的危险因素分析

    Analysis of risk factors leading to duodenal fistula after laparotomy for duodenal injury

  30. 谷氨酰胺强化的肠外营养对肠瘘病人腔静脉导管感染的影响

    Effects of glutamine enriched parenteral nutrition on catheter-related infection in gastrointestinal fistula patients