
  • 网络alteration of intestinal flora;alteration of intestina flora;intestinal dysbacteriosis;dysbacteriosis
  1. 目的:观察抗复感合剂对实验性肠道菌群失调症的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effects of Kangfugan Mixture on experimental intestinal flora alteration .

  2. 本文报告了26年来严重烧伤病人肠道细菌性菌群失调症7例病人的发生率为3.24%,其中死亡2例,占同期严重烧伤病人死亡率的28.6%。

    Cases of burned with bacterial alteration of intestinal flora in 26 years were studied The incidence was not high ( 3.24 % ), but the mortality was high ( 28.6 % ) .