
chánɡ niú zhuǎn
  • volvulus
  1. 结果15例急性肠扭转病人均经手术证实。

    Results 15 patients with acute volvulus were confirmed during operation .

  2. 动态腹平片检查在急性肠扭转早期诊断中的应用

    Application of Dynamic Radiograph with Acute Volvulus in Patients of Early Diagnosis

  3. CT诊断小肠平滑肌瘤引起肠扭转1例

    Intestinal volvulus due to leiomyoma diagnosed with CT : case report

  4. 肠扭转的多排螺旋CT表现特征探讨

    Multi-Detector Row Spiral CT Imaging Features of Intestinal Volvulus

  5. 方法对15例急性肠扭转病人应用动态腹平片检查。

    Methods 15 patients with acute volvulus were examined by using dynamic radiograph .

  6. 结肠梗阻,除肠扭转的病例外,都是慢性的。

    Colonic obstruction is , except in the case of volvulus , chronic .

  7. 儿童肠扭转常发生于小肠。

    In very young children , volvulus almost always happens in the small intestine .

  8. 结论动态腹平片检查提高了对急性肠扭转的早期诊断。

    Conclusion Patients with acute volvulus could been diagnosed early by using dynamic radiograph .

  9. 目的探讨彩色及二维超声诊断小儿肠旋转不良及肠扭转的可能性。

    Objective To assess the possibility of diagnosing intestinal malrotation in children by ultrasonography .

  10. 肠扭转肠的不正常扭转,引起梗阻。

    Abnormal twisting of the intestine causing obstruction .

  11. 肠扭转48例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of with 48 cases volvulus

  12. 结肠癌、肠扭转、肠套叠是急性完全性结肠梗阻的主要原因。

    Colon cancer , volvulus and intussusception are the main causes of acute complete colon obstruction .

  13. 术中证实空肠系膜囊肿4例,回肠系膜囊肿2例,囊肿压迫肠管并发肠梗阻2例,并发肠扭转1例,并发乳糜腹2例。

    Jejunal mesentery cysts were noted in 4 cases and ileal mesentery cysts in 2 during operation .

  14. 目的探讨动态腹平片检查对早期诊断急性肠扭转的临床效果。

    Objective To study the clinical effect on patients with acute volvulus in early diagnosis by using dynamic radiograph .

  15. 2例患儿因严重肠扭转肠坏死术后死于中毒性休克,本组死亡率5.9%。

    Cases ( 5.9 % ) died of severe toxic shock , mortality was 5.88 % in the study group .

  16. 少数病例由于内疝、肠扭转、肠套叠、吻合口狭窄等机械性因素造成梗阻,多需手术解除梗阻。

    A few of cases caused by mechanical factors ( eg : entocele , volvulus , intussusception , stricture of anastomotic and so on ) must be cured by operation .

  17. 结果:腹腔镜手术已成功地用于治疗由既往腹部手术后粘连、内疝(包括膈疝)、腹壁疝、肠扭转等所引起的急性肠梗阻。

    Results Acute obstruction of intestine , which caused by postoperative adhesion of intestine , internal hernia ( including diaphragmatic hernia ), abdominal hernia , volvulus and so on , was successfully treated by laparoscopy .

  18. 本文对116例急性机械性肠梗阻手术资料进行分析,指出粘连、套迭、肠扭转是三大致病原因(占93.1%)。

    In a review of 116 patients with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction with operation , the authors found that adhesions , intussusception and volvulus were three common causes responsable for the obstruction ( 93.1 % ) .

  19. 并发症包括出血17例、穿孔8例、肠套叠11例、肠梗阻8例、肠扭转1例、腹内疝1例、肠扭转加肠套叠1例。

    Complications included bleeding in 17 cases , perforation in 8 , intussusception in 11 , bowel obstruction in 8 , volvulus , internal hernia and volvulus plus intussusception in one each . Abdominal pain was the most common presenting sign and symptom ( 40 cases ) .

  20. 结果22例肠梗阻病因中,结肠癌8例,直肠癌2例,直肠平滑肌瘤1例,炎症5例,股疝3例,粪石1例,肠扭转1例,腹内疝1例。

    Results The reasons of obstruction were identified in 22 patients , including 8 colon cancer cases , 2 rectum cases , 1 rectum leiomyoma case , 5 inflammation cases , 3 external hernia cases , 1 dejecta stone case , 1 intestine torsion case , 1 internal hernia case .