
  • 网络arachnid
  1. 然而,它们却被归类为蛛形纲动物。

    However , they are grouped with arachnids .

  2. 他们是真正的蛛形纲动物,跟蝎子和蜘蛛有密切关系。

    They are true arachnids , closely related to scorpions and spiders .

  3. 狼蛛的这一特性也挑战了人类对蛛形纲动物及无脊椎动物的认知。

    This spider challenges what we thought we knew about arachnids and invertebrates .

  4. 食鸟蜘蛛是所有蛛形纲动物中最大的。

    Tarantulas are the biggest of all the arachnids .

  5. 蛛形纲动物含能值及其季节变动规律研究

    Energy contents and their seasonal variations in arachnida

  6. 研究干旱地区蛛形纲动物的含能值变动规律。

    The energy content and their seasonal variations of Arachnida in arid environment were studied .

  7. 蛛形纲动物含能值具有显著的季节变化,平均含能值最高为秋季(23.05J/mg无灰干重),最低为春季(19.58J/mg无灰干重)。

    The energy content of Arachnida exhibited significantly seasonal variations and the maximum was found in autumn ( 23.05J / mgAFDW ) and the minimum in spring ( 19.58 J / mg AFDW ) .

  8. 这很有可能,戈尔博说,“我们认为所有的蛛形纲动物祖先在行走时可能都具有粘附的本领。比如,在它们捕食的时候。”

    It makes sense actually , Gorb said . " we know that all the extremities of ancestor arachnids probably had this possibility to adhere during locomotion , for example , or during prey capture . "

  9. 瓜类蔬菜昆虫群落(包括蛛形纲和软体动物)的研究Ⅲ.群落的数量动态

    Studies on insect communities ( including Arachnida and mollusca ) of gourd vegetables ⅲ . quantitative dynamics of the communities