
chánɡ jìnɡ jiǎn chá
  • enteroscopy
  1. 结肠灌注透析治疗机在小儿肠镜检查前的应用

    Application of colon perfusion dialysis therapeutic machine for children before enteroscopy

  2. 方法300例行无痛胃、肠镜检查的患者,随机均分为3组,异丙酚组(P对照组);

    Methods 300 patients received painless gastroscopy and enteroscopy were randomly divided info 3 groups : Propofol alone ( p control group );

  3. 肠镜检查中复合麻醉组与对照组相比血压无明显变化(P0.05);

    The blood pressure did not obviously change in the combined anesthesia group .

  4. 异丙酚MAC技术应用于肠镜检查和治疗的评价

    Clinical research on propofol MAC applied to colonoscopy and therapy

  5. 方法选择120例结肠镜检查的患者(ASA~),随机分成4组,每组30例。

    Methods One hundred and twenty outpatients undergoing electron colonoscopy were randomly divided into four groups .

  6. 而传统的检测方法,如粪便潜血检查(fecaloccultbloodtesting,FOBT)、肠镜检查等都存在各自的缺陷,导致CRC的早期诊断率并不高。

    But the traditional detection methods , such as fecal occult blood test ( fecal occult blood testing , FOBT ), colonoscopy and so there are serious drawbacks , leading to low early diagnosis rate of CRC .

  7. 选择60例结肠镜检查病人,用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)和状态焦虑问卷(SAI)评估疼痛程度和焦虑水平。

    Method : A total of60 patients underwent coloscopy were evaluated on their pain degree and anxiety by filling out both visual analogue scales ( VAS ) and state anxiety inventory ( SAI ) .

  8. 方法观察34例伴发高血压病、22例伴发冠心病的患者在进行无痛胃、肠镜检查时血压、心电图、SpO2等指标的变化。

    Methods Thirty-four patients with hypertension and 22 patients with coronary heart disease were inspected by endoscopy under the general anaesthesia , and their blood pressure , ECG , and SpO2 were observed .

  9. 方法:38例结肠癌应用飞利浦数字化(TeleDIAGNOST)900mA多用途胃肠X线诊断机进行了气钡肠道双重造影及肠镜检查术后病理证实。

    Methods 38 colon cancer cases are confirmed after examination of double contrast and gastroscope with application of Philip Tele DIAGNOST 900 mA multi-functional gastrointestinal x-ray diagnosis machine .

  10. 乙状肠镜检查结肠疾病2704例的年龄分布

    Age distribution of 2704 patients with colon diseases detected by sigmoidoscopy

  11. 大肠癌肠镜检查结果与手术结果的比较

    A comparison of results of colonoscopy & surgery for colorectal cancer

  12. 双气囊小肠镜与推进式肠镜检查的对比

    Performance of antegrade double-balloon enteroscopy : Comparison with push enteroscopy

  13. 所有研究对象进行肠镜检查,并在结肠和/或回肠末段取活检。

    Biopsies were obtained from the colon and terminal ileum on colonoscopy .

  14. 异丙酚复合小剂量芬太尼在小儿肠镜检查中的应用

    Application research of propofol combined with small-dose fentanyl for enteroscopy in children

  15. 阿托品对丙泊酚在肠镜检查中麻醉效果和安全性的影响

    Influence of atropine on anesthetic effect and safety of propofol during enteroscopy

  16. 确诊主要依赖肠镜检查和肠粘膜组织检查。

    Diagnosis mainly relies on colonoscopy and intestinal mucosa biopsies .

  17. 由胶囊肠镜检查诊断为蓝色橡皮大疱状痔综合症的病例2例

    Two cases of Blue rubber - bleb nevus syndrome diagnosis by capsule endoscopy

  18. 瑞芬太尼在20例镇痛肠镜检查中的应用

    Application of remifentanil on 20 cases of analgesic enteroscopy

  19. 便血患儿肠镜检查及结肠息肉摘除结果分析

    Colonoscopy and Colonic Polypectomy for Children with Hematochezia

  20. 结果:29例患者仿真肠镜检查均获得成功,无并发症。

    Results : Virtual colonoscopy was successfully performed in each patient without any complications .

  21. 依托咪酯复合小剂量舒芬太尼在老年人无痛肠镜检查中的应用

    Application of etomidate combined with small dose sufentanil for painless enteroscopy in elderly patients

  22. 肠镜检查中应用无痛技术的疗效观察

    The effect of no pain technology on enteroscopy

  23. 术后应终身规律的肠镜检查,以早期发现异时癌。

    To find metchronous carcinomas earlier , life-long regular colonoscopic surveillance must be performed .

  24. 3种清肠液应用于肠镜检查的效果对比分析

    Comparing and analysing effects of three kinds of intestine-rinsing fluids applied on intestine mirror check

  25. 中药复方对提高肠镜检查质量的研究

    The Study on Chinese Herbal Medicine Used in Bowel Preparation Improving the Quality of Colonoscopy

  26. 护理配合标准指南在无痛胃镜、无痛肠镜检查中应用的效果

    Application Effects of Cooperation Standard Guideline of Nursing in Painless Gastroscope and Painless Enterosarcoma Examination

  27. 电针对肠镜检查患者脑电双频指数和β-内啡肽的影响

    Effects of Electroacupuncture on Bispectral Index and Plasma β - endorphin in Patients Undergoing Colonoscopy

  28. 肠梗阻患者行肠镜检查前清洁灌肠方法的改进

    The process improvement of the cleaning enema for the patients with intestinal obstruction before enteroscopy

  29. 大肠癌术后304例结肠镜检查结果分析

    Analysis of the result of postoperative colonoscopy in 304 patients with cancer of large intestine

  30. 平衡针针麻技术应用对提高肠镜检查质量的研究

    The Study on Technology of Balance 's Acupuncture Anesthesia Application to Improve the Quality of Endoscopy