
chánɡ jié hé
  • intestinal tuberculosis
  1. 目的探讨肠结核诊断及内、外科治疗方法。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and surgical treatment of intestinal tuberculosis .

  2. 34例肠结核的诊断和治疗体会

    Diagnosis and treatment of 34 cases of intestinal tuberculosis

  3. 肠结核(IT)和克罗恩病(CD)的鉴别诊断一直是临床难题。

    Differential diagnosis between intestinal tuberculosis ( IT ) and Crohn 's disease ( CD ) is always a difficult problem in clinic .

  4. 抗酸染色镜检在肠结核的阳性率仅为20%,而在CD中无一例检出。

    The positive rate of Acid-fast bacillus test is only 20 % in TB patients , but in CD patients , none was tested .

  5. 方法对38例肠结核和30例CD活检组织进行病理分析、抗酸染色镜检和PCR技术检测结核杆菌DNA。

    Methods 38 specimens of intestinal TB and 30 specimens of CD from endoscopic biopsies were subjected to pathological analysis , Ziehl Neelsen staining and PCR assay , retrospectively .

  6. 成人HD需与肠结核、溃疡性结肠炎、特发性巨结肠相鉴别。

    Adult HD differs from intestinal tuberculosis , ulcerative colonitis , idiopathic megacolon in case history , histological chemistry and pathology .

  7. 认为肠结核亦可呈节段性并出现粘膜桥,应与Crohn病鉴别;

    It is believed that intestinal tuberculosis could manifest itself in segmental changes and bridge of mucosa , and should differented from Crohn 's disease .

  8. 结果正常小肠5例,Crohn病6例,回肠间质瘤2例,淋巴瘤、肠结核和易激综合征各1例。

    Results 5 cases were normal , 6 with Crohn disease , 2 with gastric intestinal stromal tumor ( GIST ), and 1 each of lymphoma , tuberculosis and irritable bowel syndrome .

  9. 结果早期肠结核的病理特征是:回盲部粘膜充血、水肿或(和)糜烂;

    Result Hyperemia and edema of the ileocecal mucosa were found .

  10. 克罗恩病与肠结核的临床分析与比较

    The clinical analysis of Crohn 's disease and intestinal tuberculosis

  11. 无症状肠结核的结肠镜诊断

    Colonoscopy in the Diagnosis of Intestinal Tuberculosis in Asymptomatic Patients

  12. 肠结核的诊断及外科治疗37例报告

    Diagnosis and surgical treatment for intestinal tuberculosis , a report of 37 cases

  13. 目的:总结肠结核的诊断经验。

    Objective To sum up the experience in the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis .

  14. 内镜活检对肠结核的诊断价值

    Diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis by endoscopic mucosal biopsies

  15. 肠结核26例诊断与治疗的临床分析

    The clinical analysis of the diagnosis and therapy of 26 cases with intestinal tuberculosis

  16. 肠结核15例诊断分析

    Diagnosis of 15 Cases of Interstinal Tuberculosis

  17. 肠结核3例,全部检出。

    Tuberculosis of colon was found in 3 cases with the detectable rate of 100 % .

  18. 早期肠结核的病理变化

    Pathological changes of early intestinal tuberculosis

  19. 肠结核的影像学诊断

    Imaging diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis

  20. 除非有严重并发症,肠结核患者的预后一般均较好。

    Unless there are serious complications , the prognosis of patients with intestinal tuberculosis is generally good .

  21. 病理剖解病理和组织学检查,观察到了肺结核和肠结核典型病变。

    Dead deer were proceeded pathologic anatomy and observed the typical pathological changes of lung tuberculosis and intestines tuberculosis .

  22. 病理:肉芽肿,尤其是干酪性肉芽肿和肉芽肿的融合在肠结核中更加多见(P<0.05);

    Histologic features : granuloma , special caseating granuloma is more common in TB ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 结果15例肠结核均以腹块为主诉就诊,其中9例行纤维结肠镜检查,3例行钡灌肠。

    Results The chief complaints of 15 cases were abdominal masses . Nine cases underwent fibrocolonoscopy and 3 cases barium enema .

  24. 儿童克隆病的X线特征易与肠结核、淋巴瘤混淆。

    The X ray appearance of Crohn 's disease in children was easily confused with that of tuberculosis of small bowel and lymphoma .

  25. 方法:回顾性分析1990~2003年3月手术治疗肠结核24例病人的临床资料。

    Methods : The clinical materials of 24 patients with tuberculosis of intestines that received operative treatment from 1990 to March 2003 were analyzed retrospectively .

  26. 结论:肠结核临床症状不典型,临床医生对本病缺乏警惕性常导致较多的误诊误治。

    Conclusion : Atypical clinical symptoms of intestinal tuberculosis and clinicians ' lacking of alertness of this disease frequently result in more misdiagnosis and mistreatment .

  27. 结果:有33例误诊为菌痢、慢性腹泻、阑尾炎、肠结核、内痔等。

    Results : There are 33 cases were made misdiagnosis as bacterial dysentery , chronic diarrhea , appendicitis , intestinal tuberculosis , internal hemorrhoid and so on .

  28. 方法:选取30例肠结核和25例克罗恩病,分别比较二者的临床表现及并发症、内镜下表现、病理表现,同时进行抗酸染色镜检。

    Methods : 30 TB patients and 25 CD patients were taken into study . The clinical presentation , endoscopy feature , histologic features and Acid-fast bacillus appearance were compared .

  29. 方法我们对1988~2000年12年间经病理确诊,并排除了肺结核及肠结核的18例原发性喉结核进行回顾性分析。

    Methods We retrospectively studied 18 cases of primary laryngeal tuberculosis in our department from 1988 to 2000 , which were pathologically diagnosed and the possibility of being combined with intestine tuberculosis was ruled out .

  30. FQ-PCR检测肠黏膜结核杆菌DNA对肠结核的诊断价值肠结核与克罗恩病的临床鉴别及肠黏膜结核分枝杆菌聚合酶链反应检测的意义

    The value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis for the diagnosis of intestinal tuberculosis Clinical features , differential diagnosis and intestinal mucosal TB-PCR for intestinal tuberculosis and Crohn 's disease