
  • 网络Qu River;Crooked River
  1. 金沙江支流硕曲河V级及以上阶地阶面和两级带状剥夷面上发现中更新世红土层。

    The middle pleistocene laterite bed was discovered on the surface of terrace ⅴ or above and on the belting denudation plane of terrace ⅱ .

  2. 俯瞰地面,则是蜿蜒曲折、缓缓流淌的纳凯曲河(NakeyChhu),它如同银色丝带般穿行于牧场与湿草地之中。

    Below , the Nakey Chhu river meanders like a silver ribbon through pastures and water meadows .

  3. 探讨与香溪河具有相似纬度、相似河流长度和流域面积,同为长江上游支流的九龙河和冈曲河的大型底栖动物的群落结构特征与香溪河的差异。

    The three streams had similar latitude , river length and watershed area . All were the tributaries of the Yangtse River and located in the upstream areas .

  4. 他最著名的作品是《拉德茨基进行曲》,最著名的圆舞曲是《莱茵河女妖罗蕾莱》(作品第154号)。

    His most famous piece , however , is probably the Radetzky March whereas his most famous waltz is probably the Lorelei Rhine Kl ? nge op.154 .