
ɡù zhuó dònɡ wù
  • sessile animals
  1. 这种蝾螈类固着动物拥有“排开”原力的特殊本领,它们能创造出一块块无法使用原力的区域。

    The sessile salamander-like animals had the unique ability to " push back " the Force , creating areas wherein use of the Force was impossible .

  2. 广西红树林上大型固着污损动物的种类组成及分布

    Species Composition and Distribution of Fouling Macrofauna Which are Attached to Mangroves of Guangxi

  3. 固着型动物的幼虫大多营浮游生活,这不但反映了其祖先最初的生活方式,而且对其后期的生存发展更有着重大意义。

    Most larvae of the sessile epifauna are all pelagic , which reflects their ancestral habit and also has important significance during their later growth and reproduction .