
  • 网络Transformation;variable transformation;data transformation;SNV
  1. 对不同应力水平下对数疲劳寿命不满足正态线性Gauss-Markov假设的情况,应用Box-Cox变量变换拟合法来解决三参数P-S-N曲线拟合问题。

    This paper presents the Box-Cox variable transformation fitting method to fit the three-parameter P-S-N curves because the logarithm fatigue life does not meet the normal linear regression Gauss-Markov assumptions under different stress level .

  2. 结论变量变换能有效地提高假设检验的效能。

    Conclusion The variable transformation can improve the power of test .

  3. 本文研究板壳几何非线性弯曲问题,用变量变换和三次B样条函数。

    The paper has studied the geometric nonlinear bending problem of plates and flat shells .

  4. 主分量分析法(PCA)的数学原理是坐标转换,它将原变量变换成互不相关的变量。

    The mathematic principle of principal component analysis method ( PCA ) lies in coordinate conversion .

  5. 然后引入伸展变量变换,并利用1/4和-1/4阶Bessel函数,构造在转向点附近的内层解。

    Then , introducing stretching transform and using the Bessel functions of 1 / 4 and-1 / 4 order , the interior layer solution is constructed .

  6. 本文用变量变换的方法求解了液压油作Poiseuille流动的非线性微分方程。

    This paper used the method of variable transformations and solved the nonlinear differential equation governing the Poiseuille flow of hydraulic oil .

  7. 此外,本文提出的LQ定理使我们能用相关分析法,通过变量变换,把单因素非线性回归问题,化成线性形成来处理。

    Besides , the LQ theorem presented in this paper can be used to change a nonlinear single regression problem to a linear one by means of transformation of variables .

  8. 利用受控源理论和综合友模的方法建立可双向计算的Y,d类型变压器模型,解决了变压器两侧的变量变换不可逆的问题,使网络可在abc坐标系下求解。

    Based on the theory of controlled source and synthetic companion , this paper builds model of Y , d transformer which can be calculated bidirectionally . The problem of irreversible conversion is solved and system is calculated in abc reference frame .

  9. 变量变换及其在营养调查资料分析中的应用

    Data transformation and its application in data analysis in nutritional survey data

  10. 变量变换在解一阶常微分方程中的应用积分变换法解微积分方程、方程组及求实积分

    Application of Variable Transformation Method for First-Order Ordinary Differential Equation

  11. 在一般条件下重积分变量变换公式的一个证明

    Pro of of the transformation formula in the general case

  12. 引入了变量变换,避免了边界截断问题。

    Moreover , the variable transformation is introduced to avoid the boundary truncation .

  13. 该方法比一般教材里的变量变换法简洁、方便。

    This method is simpler and easier than variable transformation method in textbooks .

  14. 医用线性回归变量变换及诊断

    Variable Transformation and Diagnostics for Linear Regression in Medicine

  15. 基于变量变换级数展开法的光波导矢量本征模分析

    Vectorial Eigenmode Analysis of Optical Waveguides Based on the Variable Transformed Series Expansion Method

  16. 资料经变量变换后,采用逐步判别分析法进行分析。

    Data was analyzed by stepwise discriminant analysis .

  17. 通过变量变换对该模型中随机误差的方差进行了修正,建立了一个新的参数估计模型。

    Variations of random errors in the model are corrected by the transformation of variable .

  18. 任意边界条件下圆柱厚壳自由振动分析的空间变量变换法

    Space Variable Transform Method for Free Vibration Analysis of Thick Cylindrical Shelf with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions

  19. 空间积分变量变换

    Change of variables in space

  20. 密度&直径关系研究中变量变换形式的选择和变量误差矩阵的估计

    The Choice of Variables Transformation and Estimate of Measurement Error Matrix for the Study on Density diameter Relationship

  21. 应用伽利略变换对简化后的方程进行变量变换,使得曲面函数仅与空间相关;

    The Galilean transformation was applied to the simplified equation to make a surface function related to only coordinates .

  22. 通过适当变量变换,在相同网络单元数情况下,大大提高预测精度。

    By varying suitably variables , a high degree of accuracy was received at the network of the same units .

  23. 另一件关于二重积分的是,我们已经讲过了,如何做更复杂的变量变换。

    OK , now another thing we 've seen with double integrals is how to do more complicated changes of variables .

  24. 从区间变换和变量变换2个方面给出了函数在[a,b]区间上的傅立叶展开式。

    This paper presents fourier expansion formula of functions on [ a. b ] interval in terms of the interval transformations and variables .

  25. 通过变量变换,将变系数线性常微分方程化为常系数线性常微分方程,再利用常数变易法给出了一类二阶变系数非齐线性微分方程的通解。

    This paper gives the general solutions of the second order inhomogeneous linear differential equation with inconstant coefficients , by the method of the variable transformation .

  26. 介绍了基于热力学偏微商关系的变量变换方法,讨论了在物理化学教学中的必要性及基本要求。

    This article describes the variable transformation method for the partial differential relationship of thermodynamics and discusses the necessity and fundamental requests in physical chemistry teaching .

  27. 文章将高阶变系数线性常微分方程利用变量变换化为常系数线性常微分方程,进而得出高阶变系数线性微分方程的通解。

    This paper provides a general solution to the n-order variable coefficients linear differential equation by turning it into constants coefficients linear differential equation through variable transformation .

  28. 本文利用变量变换的方法,得到了变系线性微分方程组的一些可积类型。

    In this paper , some integrable types of first order linear differential equations with variable coefficients are gained . Adopted method is transform method of functions .

  29. 通过变量变换,分离变量等数学手段,将二维数值模型转化为一维数值模型,得出了公式简单实用,物理意义明确的解析解。

    Through mathematic means of variant separation and transformation , 2D numerical model was changed into1D numerical model and acquire the single analytic solution of the equation .

  30. 同时根据此结论,通过变量变换,把目标函数的维数降低了一维,从而在很大程度上减小了计算量,提高了计算效率。

    On the basis of this theory , we make the dimension of the object function down and improve the computational efficiency by using the transformation of variations .