
  1. 王骀本人不会主动招收学生的。

    Wang Tai doesn 't enroll students on his own initiative .

  2. 王骀是不是就是那种身教重于言教的人?

    Is he the man who emphasizes more about his behavior than his precept ?

  3. 鲁国有位身有残疾的学者名叫王骀。在他那儿的学生与孔子不分上下。

    Wang Tai was a disabled scholar in the State of Lu where the number of his students was equal to that of Confucius .

  4. 王骀能够照这样想,那他的眼、耳、鼻、舌、声等器官接受自外来的刺激、诱惑时就都不会影响他的行为以及念头。

    Wang Tai keeps this thinking that his behavior and idea could not be affected by eyes , ears , nose and tongue , which receive outward stimulation and temptation .