
  1. 全国制定了学前教育发展相关政策并展开了紧锣密鼓的普惠性幼儿园建设。

    Therefore , policies on the pre-school education have been formulated and launched in our nation to develop an intensive universally beneficial kindergartens construction .

  2. 第四部分,通过访谈和相关资料,从质量、经费投入、教师和管理四方面了解重庆市普惠性幼儿园建设现状。

    The forth one is to understand universally beneficial kindergartens construction situation in Chongqing , through aspects of interviews and relevant information ; quality and funds input ; teachers and management .

  3. 本文力图在了解普惠性幼儿园建设现状和分析相关政策文本内容的基础上,揭示普惠性幼儿园建设过程中的问题,并结合相关理论提出针对性的建议。

    This paper seeks to reveal the problems in the course of kindergarten construction on the basis of understanding the current situation of it and analyzing some related polices and comes up with targeted recommendations combined with relevant theories .

  4. 对普惠性民办幼儿园采用价格上限规制方式的可行性依赖于政府的财政支持力度,如果政府不提供财政补贴,民办幼儿园就不会选择接受政府的价格上限规制。

    Whether it is feasible or not to adopt the price ceiling regulation mode for the universal and low-cost private kindergartens , it depends on the financial support of the government .