
  • 网络Prieto;Xabi Prieto;Yvette Prieto
  1. 巴勃罗和普列托对最后胜利的信心大致上差不离。

    Pablo and Prieto had about an equal faith in the ultimate victory .

  2. 你的朋友普列托能守口如瓶。她对自己过去的生活一直守口如瓶。

    Your friend Prieto can keep his mouth shut . She 's always been very close about her past life .

  3. 利物浦俱乐部被正式告知他们必须做出决定是否要出价购买皇家社会边翼夏比普列托。

    Liverpool Football Club have been informed that they must make a decision about whether or not they wish to make a bid for Real Sociedad winger Xabi Prieto .

  4. 基本上,皇家贝蒂斯已经向普列托进行了报价,但是如果我们做出了同样的报价,皇家社会将接受我们的报价并拒绝所有其他同等的报价。

    Basically , Real Betis have made an offer for the player but if we make the same offer , Sociedad will accept ours and reject all offers of the same value .