
  • 网络Pros;Proth;PROTEUS;Francine Prose;John Kyriakopoulos
  1. 拥有一大片湖区的普罗斯佩克特公园吸引着所有注重健康的人。

    Prospect Park , with its vast lake , is a magnet for all health freaks

  2. 只要能避免就没人愿意去和普罗斯小姐争吵。

    Nobody argued with Miss Pross if they could avoid it .

  3. 发生这件事的时候,普罗斯小姐正出去为全家采购东西去了。

    While this was happening , Miss Pross was out shopping for the family .

  4. 海伦-普罗斯公司将举办一场著名女高音歌唱家尼娜.温伯格的专场音乐会。

    Hellen-Pros will be hosting a concert by Nina Weinberg , a renowned soprano .

  5. 普罗斯小姐迅速站到了路茜的房门前。

    Miss Pross quickly stood in front of the door to Lucie 's room . '

  6. 间谍转向劳里先生说道:普罗斯小姐是我的姐姐,先生。

    The spy turned to Mr Lorry . ' Miss Pross is my sister , sir .

  7. 她愤怒地盯着普罗斯小姐,而普罗斯小姐也同样愤怒地盯着她。

    She stared angrily at Miss Pross , but Miss Pross stared back just as angrily .

  8. 普罗斯小姐也回忆起往事并深情地想起了她的弟弟所罗门。

    Miss Pross , too , had her memories and thought fondly of her brother Solomon .

  9. 普罗斯小姐和杰里·克拉彻还在里面,正准备着跟上劳里先生的马车。

    Miss Pross and Jerry Cruncher were there , preparing to follow Mr Lorry 's coach .

  10. 普罗斯小姐朝下一看,弄清了那是什么东西,就猛烈地朝外打它。

    Miss Pross looked down , saw what it was , and hit out at it wildly .

  11. 烟雾消散之后,普罗斯小姐看见得法热夫人断了气的身体躺在地板上。

    As the smoke cleared , Miss Pross saw the lifeless body of Madame Defarge on the ground .

  12. 她向那扇门走去,可普罗斯小姐冲上前去抱住了她的腰。

    She went towards the door , but Miss Pross jumped forward and held her round the waist .

  13. 劳里先生和普罗斯小姐陪路茜站在马内特医生的房门外。

    Mr Lorry and Miss Pross stood , with Lucie , outside the door of Dr Manette 's room .

  14. 两个小时之后他匆忙返回时,普罗斯小姐在门口迎住了他。

    Two hours later he hurried back to the house , and Miss Pross met him at the door .

  15. 可普罗斯小姐仍旧很担心,因为第二辆马车离开这座房子也许会显示出逃跑的迹象。

    But Miss Pross was still worried . A second coach leaving from the house might suggest an escape .

  16. 那是两点20分,普罗斯小姐立刻开始为离开而做准备。

    It was twenty past two , and at once Miss Pross began to get herself ready to leave .

  17. 他知道路茜和普罗斯小姐出去了。他已决定要和她的父亲谈一谈。

    He knew that Lucie was out with Miss Pross , and he had decided to speak to her father .

  18. 别惊慌,亲爱的普罗斯小姐,卡登对她微笑着说。

    ' Don 't be alarmed , my dear Miss Pross , ' said Carton , smiling at her . '

  19. 他们有一个仆人普罗斯小姐。路茜从小时候起就是由她带大的。

    They had one servant , Miss Pross , who had taken care of Lucie since she was a child .

  20. 按照后来人们的说法,是托利斯坦王子利用阿普罗斯婚礼上的人群制造了这个暗杀的阴谋并杀死了他。

    He was killed by Prince Tristan , who used the large crowd created by Apros'wedding to conduct an assassination plot .

  21. 一声巨响,接着又是一团烟。之后,普罗斯小姐便独自站在了那儿,恐惧地颤抖着。

    There was a loud bang , and a cloud of smoke , and Miss Pross stood alone , trembling with terror .

  22. 普罗斯小姐有一头红发,说话急促而尖利。第一眼看上去她会让人感到害怕。

    Miss Pross had red hair and a quick , sharp voice , and seemed at first sight a very alarming person .

  23. 面对这毫无姐弟之情的话,普罗斯小姐哭了起来。杰里·克拉彻走上前来盯着这个男人的脸。

    Miss Pross began to cry at these unbrotherly words , and Jerry Cruncher stepped forward to stare in the man 's face .

  24. 代尔那离开马内特医生时天已经黑了。路茜和普罗斯小姐晚些时候才回家。

    It was dark when Darnay left Dr Manette , and it was some time later when Lucie and Miss Pross came home .

  25. 在他要去台尔森银行时,他小声对普罗斯小姐说了他将尽快回来。

    When he left to go to Tellson 's Bank , he whispered to Miss Pross that he would return as quickly as he could .

  26. 劳里先生很看重普罗斯小姐,可他却没有足够的勇气去和她争论说两个客人够不上成百个。

    Mr Lorry had a very high opinion of Miss Pross , but he wasn 't brave enough to argue that two visitors were not'hundreds ' .

  27. 马内特医生现在已恢复得很好,已经可以胜任医生的工作了。他、路茜和普罗斯小姐过着宁静而舒适的生活。

    Dr Manette was now well enough to work as a doctor , and he , Lucie , and Miss Pross led a quiet , comfortable life .

  28. 在路茜嫁给查尔斯·代尔那的这天,劳里先生和普罗斯小姐陪路茜站在马内特医生的房门外。

    On the day of Lucie 's marriage to Charles Darnay , Mr Lorry and Miss Pross stood , with Lucie , outside the door of Dr Manette 's room .

  29. 而得法热夫人知道普罗斯小姐是医生家的一个真正的朋友;而普罗斯小姐知道得法热夫人是这个家的敌人。

    But Madame Defarge knew that Miss Pross was a true friend of the Doctor 's family , and Miss Pross knew that Madame Defarge was the family 's enemy .

  30. 劳里先生已成为这个家的亲密朋友,经常来这里作客。同时在那个审判会过后几个月,代尔那先生和卡登先生也成了这里的常客,这让普罗斯小姐一点儿都不高兴。

    Mr Lorry , who had become a close family friend , came regularly to the house , and in the months after the trial , Mr Darnay and Mr Carton were also frequent visitors .