
  • 网络Virtual company;Virtual corporation;virtual firms;V-Company
  1. 德同国际律师事务所(Dentons)创建了虚拟公司NextLawLabs,致力于将技术应用在法律事务上。

    Another law firm , Dentons , has set up NextLaw Labs , a virtual company which looks at the application of technology with the law .

  2. 论虚拟公司对传统会计理论的冲击及其创新

    On Innovation and Impact of Virtual Company on Traditional Accounting Theory

  3. 虚拟公司(YourCo)的样例品牌插件包含在本文的下载部分。

    A sample branding plug-in for the fictitious company Your Co is included with this article as a download .

  4. 这里使用了一个叫GenerationsVideoStore的虚拟公司来表示一个典型企业的信息需求。

    A virtual firm " Generations Video Store " was considered to illustrate the information needs of a typical enterprise .

  5. 但是,在观看之前研究人员向他们展示了一个虚拟公司的logo,并给他们300美金作为参与费。

    But first , subjects were shown the logo of a fictitious company that would be giving them $ 300 for participating .

  6. 游戏将玩家置于After,Inc.的世界中,它是一家虚拟公司,刚刚购并了竞争对手。

    The game puts the player into the world of After , Inc. , a fictitious company that just acquired a rival firm .

  7. 目前您已经掌握了基本的数据库概念,包括模式、表和列,还看到了使用名为Bigdog'sSurfShop的虚拟公司对这些概念的演示。

    Now you have a grasp of basic database concepts , including schemas , tables , and columns , and you 've seen demonstrations of these concepts using a fictitious business named Bigdog 's Surf Shop .

  8. 没有地理上的局限是虚拟公司的最大优点之一。

    That 's one of the great advantages of a virtual corporation .

  9. 本科生虚拟公司为实践教学改革拓宽了新的研究思路。

    Undergraduate virtual company extends our thought on innovation of practical education .

  10. 虚拟公司会计假设体系构建刍议

    On the Construction of Accountancy Supposition in Fictitious Companies

  11. 虚拟公司完完全全是依靠信息系统与其他公司交流。

    And the virtual corporation is completely dependent on IT to communicate with others .

  12. 有很多成功的虚拟公司提供电子服务,

    Many successful virtual companies provide digital services ,

  13. 文中分析了虚拟公司的主要特点及其经济原理。

    And the auther expresses the main features and the economy theory of Virtual Corporation .

  14. 虚拟公司机理探讨

    Discussion on the mechanisms of virtual company

  15. 为使虚拟公司能工作,信任与协作是必不可少的。

    Trust and collaboration are a must in order for a virtual organization to work .

  16. 虚拟公司的每一个组成部分称为一个虚拟研究开发中心。

    Every components of a virtual company is called a virtual research & development center .

  17. 象amazon.com这样的虚拟公司能否击败这些根深蒂固老牌号?

    Can virtual companies like " amazon . com " battle against and beat these entrenched brands ?

  18. 创办学生虚拟公司是高校创业教育的有效途径

    On Establishment of Students ' Virtual Companies as an Effective Way of Undertaking Enterprise Education at Colleges and Universities

  19. 虚拟公司可以用多种方式定义,但这里有三个最常见的例子。

    Virtual corporations can be defined in many ways , but here are three of the most common examples .

  20. 虚拟公司等新的企业组织形式的出现将孕育着会计主体一场新变革。

    The emergence of new organizational form such as virtual company will breed a new reform in accounting main part .

  21. 虚拟公司经营形式的特殊性,给税收工作带来许多问题,较为严重的是虚拟公司的避税和逃税问题。

    There are many problems caused by the special management of the dummy companies , such as the tax avoidance .

  22. 虚拟公司将改变会计环境,对会计假设理论产生巨大的冲击。

    The fabricated company will change the accounting environment , and will have a great impact on the accounting assumption theory .

  23. 下面是具体场景:虚拟公司(即全球航空公司)最近与两个航空公司(即太平洋航空公司和大西洋航空公司)形成联合公司。

    Here is the scenario : Fictional company Global Airlines recently formed an alliance with two other airlines , Atlantic Airlines and Pacific Airlines .

  24. 第三种,虚拟公司可以是一家大公司,选择把很多重要业务,如制造或批发,外包出去。

    Third , the virtual corporation can be a large company that chooses to outsource many of its important operations , such as manufacturing or distribution .

  25. 虚拟公司是一种新兴的公司形式,与传统会计实体相差甚远的特点决定了其会计假设体系需要重新构建。

    Fictitious companies , as a new form of companies , differs greatly from the entity of traditional accountancy , which determines the necessity of constructing a new system of accountancy supposition .

  26. 并从那时起,我即在一个叫做“青软软件”的虚拟公司担任工艺工程师,在一系列的软件研发项目中从事设计、检查和系统升级工作。

    Since that time I have been working at a virtual company named Youthsoft as a process engineer involved with designing , inspection , and system upgrading on a series of software development .

  27. 浙江工贸职业技术学院的商务策划实训体系整合了市场调查、商务策划、虚拟公司三大块,是一种新型教学体系。

    The business scheme training system in Zhejiang Industry & Trade Polytechnic consists of three parts : market research , business scheme and virtual company , which is a discussion of 2004 in Zhejiang Educational Government Department .

  28. 应通过采取适当的电子商务税收原则、完善税务登记制度、完善现行税法、研究新的征管技术以及加强网络化建设与国际情报交流等方面,解决虚拟公司的避税问题。

    This problem should be resolved by the suitable electronic business tax policy , perfecting the system of tax registration and the present tax law , studying the new management , reforcing the net construction and the international information exchange .

  29. 笔者提出了虚拟公司会计假设体系构建的一种想法:即构建包括会计主体、持续经营、以经营期为报告期、收付实现制、货币计量、合理判断等六项内容的会计假设体系。

    This presentation has put forward one system including such six items as the entity of accountancy , sustained management , management period as the report period , the instant realization of charging and paying , currency measurement and reasonable judgement .

  30. 创办学生虚拟公司,可以培养学生的创业意识、创业心理、创业品格,积累创业经验,提高创业能力,是高校创业教育的有效途径。

    The establishment of virtual companies by students proves an effective way of undertaking the enterprise education at colleges and universities , as it helps the students to reinforce their enterprise consciousness and psychology , to accumulate their experience , and to improve their competence and comprehensive quality .