
luò huā shēng
  • peanut;groundnut;monkey nut
落花生 [luò huā shēng]
  • [peanut;groundnut] 一种低矮分枝的一年生草本作物,茎被长柔毛,羽状复叶,花鲜黄色,初时无花梗,但其隐头花序以后伸长并弯屈伸入土中,子房成熟时表面有网纹,果通常是缩缢、不開裂的莢果,内含1-3粒可食的种子,此种植物可能原产巴西,但因其种子富含油脂可榨油和可作饲料,故被广泛栽培于热带和温带地区

落花生[luò huā shēng]
  1. 从落花生到花生绿奶茶的研制

    Developing Process of the word peanut Research on green tea milk

  2. 花生亲和种远缘杂交育种研究从落花生到花生

    Distant Hybridization between Cultivated Peanut and Cross-compatible Wild Species in Arachis

  3. 热带优良牧草落花生营养需求的初步研究

    A preliminary study on the nutritive requirements of Pinto peanut

  4. 落花生枝叶正丁醇部位的化学成分研究

    Chemical constituents in butanol extraction from stems and leaves of Arachis hypogaea

  5. 祥子要了四两白干,三个大子儿的落花生。

    Xiangzi bought four ounces of liquor and three coppers worth of peanuts .

  6. 落花生去后,我总是不住的这样想。

    After peanuts left , I could not help thinking about this irony .

  7. 因此他家里不时有落花生囤积着。

    On account of this , his house was always full of peanuts .

  8. 落花生枝叶制剂治疗失眠症的临床全盲验证观察

    Clinical Confirmation of Preparation from the Branch and Leaf of Peanut in Treating Insomnia

  9. 花生豆奶冰淇淋最佳工艺研究从落花生到花生

    Optimization of Producing Peanut-Soya Milk Ice Cream

  10. 落花生,秋葵和携带来自西非并且首先被在美国的奴隶们使用。

    Goober , gumbo and tote are West African borrowings first used in America by slaves .

  11. 当杰里落花生问他为什么拒绝,杰里没有答案。

    When The Goober asks Jerry why he refused , Jerry does not have an answer .

  12. 她们在土地上种植各种旱地作物,比如落花生、木豆和当地谷物龙爪稷。

    They grow dryland crops such as groundnut , red gram and a local cereal - ragi .

  13. 在里昂那市场上,妇女和儿童出售西瓜,香蕉,落花生,苹果和椰子。

    At Leona 's market , women and children sell watermelon and bananas , groundnuts , apples , and coconut .

  14. 其中的一个方法就是给它们吃高蛋白的食物比如象紫花苜蓿,落花生和蔬菜叶。

    One way is to give the animals high-protein plants like alfalfa , groundnut grasses and vegetable leaves to eat .

  15. 小剂量化肥实地试验也可以在尼日尔对落花生、豇豆、黄秋葵、西红柿以及其他蔬菜进行。

    Microdosing field trials are also being conducted in Niger on groundnuts , cowpeas , okra , tomato and other vegetables .

  16. 当时颁布过若干禁止囤积居奇的法令。因此他家里不时有落花生囤积着。

    Edicts were issued against engrossing the market . On account of this , his house was always full of peanuts .

  17. 他家里有一个油木皇,他的父亲常往邻近各乡,收买落花生回来榨油。

    His family owned an oil mill and his father went round the neighboring villages buying up all the peanuts for the mill .

  18. 雨季的降雨量达到1972年以来最低水平,影响了稻米,糖和落花生的产量降低,导致价格上升。

    Prices have risen after the lowest monsoon rain levels since 1972 affected production of crops such as rice , sugar and groundnut .

  19. 因此他家里不时有落花生囤积着。落花生去后,我总是不住的这样想。

    On account of this , his house was always full of peanuts . After Peanuts left , I could not help thinking about this irony .

  20. 他所以取得这个王位,并不是因为他年纪较长,或智力较强,而是因为他天天有落花生给我们吃。

    Peanuts secured the position of King not because he was older than us or that he was smarter , but for the simple reason that he fed us with peanuts every day .

  21. 当我们要推举一个王的时候,他把很多落花生给我们,以为贿选,于是他就当选。

    When we were in the process of selecting a King , he brought us lots of peanuts , as an inducement for us to elect him . It was not surprising that he was elected .