
  • 网络mite;Acari;acarina
  1. 储粮螨类是孳生于粮食中的重要害虫。

    Stored grain mites are important pests which breed in food .

  2. 本文择要报道了农业螨类研究结果。

    This paper is a summary of studies on the agricultural mites .

  3. 本项研究为农业螨类的ELISA检测提供了依据。

    This paper provided a basis for ELISA test of agricultural mite .

  4. 结论螨类、屋尘、真菌类、花粉、海虾及动物毛发是广东地区AD患者常见的变应原;

    Conclusion Mite , HS , fungi , pollens , shrimp , cat hair and dog hair are common allergen in AD patients .

  5. 104例支气管哮喘患者血清五种螨类特异性IgE检测的结果分析

    Analysis of serum SIgE results of 5 mites in 104 cases of bronchial asthma

  6. 该科共有6种储粮螨类,即粉尘螨Dermatophagoidesfarinae,屋尘螨D。

    The dust mite is a kind of mite belonging to family Pyroglyphidae in which there are six product mites : Dermatophagoides farinae ; D.

  7. 目的建立螨类细胞培养方法,为从细胞分子水平研究革螨、恙螨作为HFRS媒介提供条件。

    Objective To establish cell culture method of the gamasid mites in order to study on the gamasid mites and chigger mites as the vectors of HFRS at the cell molecular level .

  8. 山东省花卉蚜虫和螨类名录

    A list of aphids and mites of flowers of Shandong Province

  9. 温州茶园螨类名录

    A list of mites in tea field of wenzhou , China

  10. 这类螨类是一种以蜜蜂为食的微小生物。

    The mite is a tiny creature that feeds on honeybees .

  11. 鼢鼠螨类三新种

    Three new species of mites from the mole - rats

  12. 福建农业螨类名录(Ⅰ)

    Description of agricultural mites from Fujian Province ( I )

  13. 桔园螨类酶免疫反应的初步研究

    Preliminary study on enzyme immunoreaction of mite from citrus orchard

  14. 海南岛蔬菜螨类的调查与防治研究

    Study on the Investigation and Control of Hainan Vegetable Mites

  15. 在整个生命期都以其它节肢动物为食的螨类。

    Mite that in all stages feeds on other arthropods .

  16. 河南省储藏物螨类的调查研究

    An Investigation of Mites in Stored Grain of Henan Province

  17. 目的调查学生宿舍螨类孳生情况。

    Objective To investigate the situation of mites breeding in student dormitories .

  18. 山东省储粮螨类的分布与聚类分析

    The distribution and cluster analysis of stored grain mites in Shandong Province

  19. 不同居住和工作环境内螨类孳生情况调查

    Survey of breeding status of mites in different residential and working environment

  20. 作者用这种方法测量了螨类的呼吸引起的腹部运动。

    Author has measured the movement in mites belly caused by breath .

  21. 对桔园螨类的酶免疫反应进行了初步研究。

    The enzyme immunoreaction of mite from citrus orchard were studied preliminarily .

  22. 济南地区鼠形啮齿动物寄生螨类的定量研究

    A quantitative study of parasitic mites of rodents collected from Jinan Shandong

  23. 中国蜜蜂寄生螨类新纪录

    A New Record of Parasitic Mite on Honeybee in China

  24. 螨类和蓟马类为低风险检疫性有害生物。

    Acaribs and thrips are regarded as low-risk quarantining pests .

  25. 南北方不同城市冬季室内螨类孳生情况调查

    Mites investigation in different cities of south and north china in winter

  26. 中国储粮螨类研究四十年

    Study on stored-product mites in China for 40 years

  27. 毛竹林经营干扰、林下植物与冠层螨类之间的关系

    Relation between Management Disturbance and Undergrowth and Canopy Mites in Phyllostachys pubescens Forests

  28. 辛硫磷农药对土壤螨类影响的研究

    Simulating toxicity tests of phoxim pesticide to soil mites

  29. 螨类作为害虫生物防治作用物的现况及其前景

    Current status and perspectives in mites as biological control agents of insect pests

  30. 九华山土壤螨类的生态分布

    The ecological distribution of soil mites in Jiuhua mountains
