
  • 网络Wet meadow
  1. 结果表明:该地区低湿地草甸草场单位面积产草量最高,牧草质量好,但仅占总土地面积的0.5%左右,只能作为辅助草场;

    The results show that the average yield of bottom wetland grassland is the highest , with good quality but its area is about 0.5 % of the total area , it can only be taken as accessorial grassland .

  2. 湿地植物主要分布在达坂城低平地草甸湿地、柴窝堡盐化湿地和沼泽湿地、盐湖湖泊湿地和荒漠化草甸湿地、天山野生动物园草甸湿地。

    Wetland plants are mainly in meadow wetlands of Dabancheng , Chaiwopu salinization wetlands and marsh wetlands , salt lake wetlands and desertification meadow wetlands , Tianshan wild zoo meadow wetland .

  3. 通过研究表明,乌鲁木齐市周边湿地主要分为河流湿地、湖泊湿地、草甸湿地、库塘湿地。

    The research shows that the wetlands of Urumqi are broadly divided into four categories : river wetlands , lake wetlands , meadow wetlands , and the pond wetlands .

  4. 山西省共有各类湿地2309km2,包括河口(内陆)湿地、河流湿地、湖泊湿地、水库湿地、沼泽和草甸湿地等,主要分布于各河流流域、湖泊和水库及周围地区。

    There are various types of wetlands of 2145 km 2 in Shanxi , they are distributed on the river valleys , lakes and reservoirs , and around lakes and reservoirs .

  5. 据2001年进行的全省湿地资源调查结果,将云南的湿地划分为永久性河流湿地、永久性及季节性淡水湖泊湿地、沼泽草甸湿地等6个湿地类型。

    According to the inventory results of wetland resources of the whole province in 2001 , Yunnan wetland was divided into 6 types including permanent river wetland , permanent and seasonal freshwater lake wetland , grassy marsh wetland , etc.