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  1. 但该牌照本应尚余的有效期,须以月份为计算单位,并计算至最接近的完整月份,而上述的退还款项须以元为单位,并计算至最接近的完整元数。

    Provided that the period for which the licence would otherwise have remained in force shall be reckoned in months and calculated to the nearest month and such refund shall be reckoned in dollars calculated to the nearest dollar .

  2. 实验结果表明:对于含有目标信息的起伏背景图像,背景对消的最佳滤波方法,应采用开余滤波法。

    Then , the experiment results show that in all of four filtering methods , the open residue filtering method is the best for background drop .

  3. 分别用:(1)假设应力基于余能原理的方法,(2)假设位移基于势能原理的方法,求出外筒的柔度矩阵。

    Two kinds of methods are used to find out the flexibility matrix of the outer tube , i.e.the complementary energy method and potential energy method .