
  • 网络the principle of proximity
  1. 但应考虑就近原则,避免过长的管路布置。

    However , principle of proximity shall be taken into account , avoiding overlong piping layout .

  2. 在应急物资调配管理中,设计了应急物资指派算法,按加权选址就近原则指派三方应急物资,并采用WEBService封装发布指派信息。

    In allocation management of emergency facility , assignment algorithm is designed , using the nearest principle of added weight method to designate third-party emergency facility . At the same time , the information is packaged and issued by using Web Service .

  3. 这更多的是地理问题,而不是什么“就近原则”。

    There is more to geography than mere proximity .

  4. 基于就近原则的中小学招生划片系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Primary and Secondary Schools Admission Dicing System Based on Proximity Principle

  5. 文章还从理论的角度阐述了分割预处理的理论基础:就近原则与最大划块复杂度。

    The paper also presents the theory basement of the segmentation : nearby principle and the most complexity of image partitions .

  6. 反映了长期采用有机培肥就近原则对土壤质量的作用与影响。

    Reflected the nearby principle of using organic fertility betterment by long term to function and influence of soil quality . 5 .

  7. 第三,转专业的方向最好遵守“就近原则”,即寻找相近专业或相关学科来跨考。

    The3rd , turn professional direction had better be abided by " nearby principle ", search close major or relevant course to cross namely one 's deceased father .

  8. 同时从语义就近原则、辖域控制原则、时间顺序原则三个方面,对汉语多项状语语序共现的情况做出了一定的解释。

    At the same time , the thesis makes a certain explanation on Chinese multi-adverbial word order of co-occurrence , from the semantic nearby principle , local control principle and temporal sequence principle .

  9. 该算法能有效缩短编码时间、消除块效应、实现彩色图像快速分形编码。2针对分形图像压缩编码耗时长的缺点,提出了就近原则和最大划块复杂度的概念。

    Experiment results show that the method can speed up the image encoding and remove the block offect . Second , the paper presents the definition of the nearby principle and the most complexity of image partitions .

  10. 从哲学角度看,意义一致是就其语言表达内容而言,语法一致或就近原则是就其语言表现形式而言。

    From the philosophical point of view , notional concord is concerned with the semantic meaning of a sentence , i.e. the content of language , whereas grammatical concord or the proximity principle is concerned with the syntactical structure of a sentence , i.e. the form of language .

  11. 无论主管者还是当地居民都遵循就近处理原则,于是导致了大面积的环境污染。

    Both managers and residents adhere to treatment nearby principle , it results in heavily environment pollution .

  12. 同化理论和就近学习原则运用于语文复习中,可以取得比较理想的效果。

    The application of assimilation theory and principle of proximity learning to Chinese Revision will achieve better results .

  13. 第四十条农村人口在有必要疏散时,由当地人民政府按照就近的原则组织实施。

    Article 40 Where it is necessary to evacuate rural population , the local people 's government shall have them evacuated to nearby places , which should be adhered to as a principle .

  14. 计量检定工作应当符合经济合理、就地就近的原则,不受行政区划和部门管辖的限制。

    The work of measurement examination and determination shall be conducted on the principle of economy , rationality and geographical proximity , and it should not be restricted by administrative divisions and departmental jurisdiction .