
  1. 就粮谷(大米、小米、玉米)中农药残留量的检测方法,进行了改进性实验。

    An improved experiment - was engaged for test method of pesticide residue in grain .

  2. 提示,LFA3具有提高蛋壳质量及蛋白和蛋黄品质的作用.本文还就日粮LFA3水平与蛋品质的关系进行了探讨。

    The relation between dietary LFA_3 level and egg quality was dis - cussed in the paper .

  3. 本文就日粮营养水平对猪胴体品质的影响作一综述。

    The effects of diet nutrition level on pig carcass composition were reviewed .

  4. 解放后不久,我们就不吃救济粮了。

    We came off relief grain shortly after liberation .

  5. 就仓通风时粮堆内部热湿耦合传递过程的数值预测大规格建陶坯体对流干燥热质耦合传递的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of coupled heat and moisture transfer in grain bulk during In-Bin drying heat and mass transfer inside porcelain tiles during convective drying process