
  • 网络Cluster galaxy;BCG
  1. 此外还确认了团星系的金属丰度与恒星质量之间的相关性,并推断星系团Abell2255是在单个星系形成后,经过引力相互作用而形成的,这一结果支持了等级成团理论。

    The correlation between metallicity and stellar mass of cluster galaxies is also confirmed . It is concluded that galaxy cluster Abell 2255 is formed by the gravitational interaction after the individual galaxies are formed , which supports the hierarchical model of cluster formation .

  2. Virgo星系团天区星系的成员概率

    Membership probabilities of galaxies in the region of the Virgo Cluster

  3. Virgo星系团中星系与类星体成协鱼腥草紫斑病在田间具多次再侵染。

    Association Between QSOs and Galaxies in the Field of the Virgo Cluster There is reinfection in field .

  4. 星系团成员星系光度函数及其动力学

    The Luminosity Function for the Member Galaxies and the Dynamics of the Clusters

  5. 本超星系团中场星系旋转矢量分布的统计检验

    Statistical Tests on the Spatial Orientation of the Field Galaxies in the Local Supercluster

  6. 一个星系团中星系的表面密度可从其照片上测得。

    The surface density of galaxies in a cluster can be measured from photographs .

  7. 所以我们有聚集在星系中的星星和聚集成星团的星系。

    So we have stars grouped together in galaxies and galaxies grouped together in clusters .

  8. 星系团内星系的运动表明那里的暗物质比我们看到的可见物质要多。

    Motions of galaxies in and around clusters indicate that they contain more dark matter than any visible matter we can see .

  9. 成组的星系被称为星系团,星系团仅仅用可见物质不易解释。而暗物质可以解释星系团的运动。

    Dark matter accounts for the motion of groups of galaxies called clusters , which is not easily explained by visible matter alone .

  10. 室女团盘星系自转向量的分布Ⅰ.室女天区310个盘星系的表

    Distribution of the Spin Vectors of the Disk Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster . ⅰ . The Catalogue of 310 Disk Galaxies in the Virgo Area

  11. 以及cD星系的形成和演化、团中成员星系的环境效应等,并进而说明星系团研究的重要科学意义。

    , and then the important significance of studies on clusters of galaxies is discussed .

  12. 重力束缚的意思是在一个成熟的星系团中,星系与其他物质已经达到稳定的整体动态平衡。

    The gravitational binding means that the galaxies and other material within a mature cluster have settled into an overall dynamic equilibrium .

  13. 基于目前流行的冷暗物质等级成团理论的星系形成的半解析模型取得了很大进展。

    Based on the current popular hierarchical clustering model of Cold Dark Matter ( CDM ), The Semi-Anlytical Model ( SAM ) of galaxy formation have made impressive progress .

  14. 把计算出的质量和星系团中发光星系的总质量相比较,就能确定出星系团中存在多少暗物质。

    Comparing the calculated mass and the total mass of the light-emitting galaxies in the galaxy cluster would determine the amount of dark matter that exists in the galaxy cluster .

  15. 虽然富星系团在所有星系团中所占比例不多,但它是研究星系形成与演化、暗物质、大尺度结构和宇宙学的强有力工具,星系团Abell2199就是一个典型的富星系团。

    Although they contain only a small fraction of all galaxies , rich clusters provide a powerful tool for the study of galaxy formation , dark matter , large-scale structure and cosmology . Numerous attempts have been made to investigate clusters of galaxies in last decades .

  16. COMA星系团的研究2.星系的成员概率

    Studies on the Coma Cluster 2 . membership probabilities of individual galaxies

  17. 但是我们只看到一团相互作用的星系,成为室女座星系团。

    But we see mostly one large intervening cluster of galaxies , called the Virgo cluster .

  18. 而在超星系团内部,所有星系都是向内部质心运动。

    Within a given supercluster , all galaxy motions will be directed inward , toward the center of mass .

  19. 天文学家第一次发现了我们的宇宙家园超星系团,这是星系团和较大星系群的一种聚集体,其中所有星系都是相互联系的网络。

    For the first time , astronomers have identified our home supercluster - a conglomeration of groups of galaxies and larger clusters of galaxies , all interconnected in a stringy web .

  20. 类星体的空间分布与宇宙早期结构和红移的本质有着密切的联系,本文讨论了类星体分布的均匀性、成团性和与星系的成协性。

    The space distribution of QSOs is closely related with the early structure of the universe and the nature of the redshift . The homogeneity and the clustering of the quasar distribution and the quasar-galaxy associations are discussed .

  21. 星系团及团内成员星系的研究进展(Ⅱ)

    Recent Progress of Studies in Clusters of Galaxies and in Member Galaxies in Clusters (ⅱ)

  22. 我们认为,是A2255中子团的并合历史导致了星系团中星系与星系之间的碰撞概率增加,从而使团中心附近的晚型星系的恒星形成活动增加了。

    Compared with the merging cluster A2255 , the star formation history for the late-type cluster galaxies is likely closely related to the virialization stage of parent cluster .

  23. 星系团的光学研究(Ⅱ):团星系演化、环境与形态、简要的展望

    Galaxy Clusters in Visible Light (ⅱ): Evolution Environment and Morphology with a Brief Prospect