
tiē gāo yao
  • Apply a plaster;force on
贴膏药 [tiē gāo yào]
  • [force on] [东北方言]∶比喻把事情强加到别人头上

  • 谁偷的你找谁,不能随便贴膏药

贴膏药[tiē gāo yao]
  1. 在宝宝贴膏药的皮肤边缘涂上护肤霜,以防止膏药擦伤皮肤。

    Smear cream on to your baby 's skin at the edges of the plaster to prevent it from rubbing .

  2. 我用贴膏药的办法来防止患晕动病。

    I use a patch to stop me getting motion sickness .

  3. 在伤口上敷上一贴膏药。本品为黄褐色的片状贴膏剂,气芬香。

    This product is yellowish-brown piece of adhesive plaster with aromatic smell .

  4. 倾盆大雨把他的衬衫像贴膏药一样贴在他身上。

    The downpour plastered his shirt to his body .

  5. 在伤口上敷上一贴膏药。他在伤口敷了一些药膏。

    He applied some ointment to the wound .

  6. 如所贴膏药已松开或脱落,请更换新膏药。

    Apply a new patch if the first one becomes loose or falls off .

  7. 他提出了关于伤口敷料、贴膏药有超过它出门。

    He put a dressing on the wound , and having stuck plaster over it went away .

  8. 她敷膏药于自己的伤口。在伤口上敷上一贴膏药。

    She plastered her wound .

  9. 每贴膏药应贴在不同部位,以避免刺激皮肤或导致其他问题。

    Apply each patch to a different area of skin to prevent skin irritation or other problems .

  10. 顺式阿曲库铵不同给药方式对老年肌松作用的影响一般的眩晕可以用口服药物、皮肤上贴膏药、者以静脉注射药物等方式来治疗。

    Comparison of Muscular Relaxation Effects of Cisatracurium by Different Intravenous Methods in Old Patients Vertigo can be treated with medicine you take by mouth , through medicine placed on the skin ( as a patch ), or drugs given through an IV.

  11. 有些人贴尼古丁膏药来帮助自己戒烟。

    Some people wear nicotine patches to help them give up smoking .

  12. 只在关节贴过膏药。

    Just the odd drag of don 's joint .

  13. 护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。

    The nurse washed and plastered the wound .

  14. 你最好在伤口上擦些药膏。护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。

    You 'd better apply some ointment to the cut . The nurse washed and plastered the wound .

  15. 但是,就在这时,他偶然把脸转过来,迎着烛光,我这才看清楚他脸上那些黑块块,根本不是贴的膏药,是涂上的颜色之类。

    But at that moment he chanced to turn his face so towards the light , that I plainly saw they could not be sticking-plasters at all , those black squares on his cheeks . They were stains of some sort or other .

  16. 那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。

    The man looks like a cartoon character with a Plasteron his temple .