
  • 网络provisional legislative council
  1. 因此由临时立法会制定本条例。

    Therefore this Ordinance is enacted by the Provisional Legislative council .

  2. 财务委员会特别会议内务会议〔临时立法会〕

    Special Finance Committee Meeting in-house meeting [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  3. 你接唔接受临时立法会既存在?

    Do you accept the existence of the Provisional Legislature ( PL )?

  4. 议事规则委员会〔临时立法会〕

    Committee on Rules of Procedure [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  5. 行政事宜工作小组〔临时立法会〕

    Working Group on Administrative Matters [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  6. 议员个人利益登记册〔临时立法会〕

    Register of Members ' Interests [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  7. 司法及法律事务委员会〔临时立法会〕

    Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services [ Provisional Legislative Council ]

  8. 会议规程〔临时立法会〕临时区议会会议常规

    Rules of Order [ Provisional Legislative Council ] Provisional District Board Standing Orders

  9. 政权交接之后,临时立法会的合法地位立即受到挑战。

    Immediately after the handover , the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature was challenged .

  10. 临时立法会秘书处秘书长

    Secretary General of the Provisional Legislative Council Secretariat

  11. 临时立法会事务委员会制度

    Provisional Legislative Council Panel System

  12. 该委员会的成员包括行政会议和临时立法会成员,以及其他社会贤达。

    It consists of members of the Executive and Provisional Legislative Councils , and other prominent citizens .

  13. 临时立法会议程事项登记册

    Council Agenda Item Book

  14. 会议规程〔临时立法会〕这种说法有点误导人们,因为这一说法并不是最精确的教会的规则。

    Rules of Order [ Provisional Legislative Council ] is somewhat misleading because it is not a precise statement of the actual ecclesiastical rules .

  15. 今日的裁定,确认了临时立法会是一个合法机构,临时立法会通过的法律,有法律地位和法律效力。

    Today 's ruling confirms that the Provisional Legislative Council is a legal body and laws passed by this Council have legal status and are legally binding .

  16. 有些人对此表示怀疑,而在过去一个月,我们见到临时立法会的合法地位和香港法例本身的合法性受到挑战,这是前所未有的。

    There are some who cast doubt on this and in this past month we have seen landmark challenges to the legitimacy of the provisional legislature and the very legitimacy of Hong kong 's laws themselves .

  17. 各位议员当选成为临时立法会议员的时候,在非常艰难的工作环境和条件下,开展临时立法会的各项准备工作和香港特别行政区的立法工作,在精神上更面临着很大的压力。

    Upon being selected as PLC members , you set out with the painstaking groundwork of the PLC and the work of law enactment for the HKSAR under trying circumstances and tremendous pressure .