首页 / 词典 / good

  • suitable;appropriate;fitting
  • should;ought to
  • 适合,适当:~人。~于。合~。权~。适~。相~。

  • 应该,应当:事不~迟。

  • 当然,无怪:~其无往而不利也。

  • 姓。


(合适) suitable; appropriate; fitting:

  • 老幼咸宜

    suitable [good] for both young and old;

  • 适宜

    appropriate; fitting and proper


(应当) should; ought to:

  • 宜速归

    should return home immediately;

  • 不宜操之过急。

    You should not act in haste.

  • 不宜强加于人。

    You should not force your view on others.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 宜桂可

    Yi Guike

  1. 通书上说今天是个吉日,宜出行。

    The almanac says that today is a suitable day for going out .

  2. 并通过对系统平均寿命的分析,提出n≤4为宜的结论。

    As a result by analyzing system mean life , n ≤ 4 is suitable .

  3. 这本书老少咸宜。

    It 's a book for young and old alike .

  4. 罚宜当罪。

    The punishment should fit the crime .

  5. 宜提早订票。

    It is advisable to book early .

  6. 这本书老少咸宜。

    This book has universal appeal .

  7. 宜将剩勇追穷寇。

    With power and to spare we must pursue the tottering foe .

  8. 此丸宜含服。

    This pill is to be sucked , not swallowed .

  9. 此案宜从速区处。

    The case must be dealt with as soon as possible .

  10. 此药宜置于阴凉处。

    The medicine should be kept in a cool , dark place .

  11. 交游宜广,知心宜精。

    Have but few friends , though many acquaintances .

  12. 学者宜远离门户纷争。

    Scholars should stay away from sectarian disputes .

  13. 她宜单独生活。

    She is fitted to live by herself .

  14. 仁者,人也;义者,宜也。(《中庸》)

    Benevolence is acting like a human being ; righteousness is doing what is right .

  15. 我国对此宜持有条件支持并参与的立场。

    China should conditionally support and participate in the coordination .

  16. 治疗期间,宜节制房事。

    During treatment , sexual activity should be abstinent .

  17. 教师的角色宜视教学情境脉络做弹性及多元的转换

    Science teacher 's role should change elastically and multiply depending on the instruction context .

  18. 结果表明,刮扫面积重叠率ξ在区间(0,ξc)为宜;

    It was shown that the area-overlapping ratio was better in the interval of 0 to ξ _c .

  19. 燃料炉生成的NOx有害气体宜在燃烧过程中加以控制。

    Harmful NOx produced in fuel-fired furnace are better controlled during combustion process .

  20. 稻米直链淀粉含量的选择应从F。代植株选择为宜。

    On Choice Selecting on amylose content should start from Fa generation .

  21. 内宜路X段塑料排水板加固超深软基实践

    Reinforcement of the Super-deep Soft Foundation in Section X of Neijiang-Yibin Freeway Using Plastic Drainboard

  22. 应用螺旋CT增强扫描判定进展期胃癌胃周淋巴结转移时,宜以直径大于9mm作为螺旋CT判定淋巴结转移的直径标准。

    Mm is a fit parameter criterion to judge metastatic lymph nodes by spiral CT .

  23. 对麦类作物的基因组DNA,宜采用随机寡核苷酸引物标记法进行生物素标记,适当延长标记时间可以提高标记效率。

    Whereas the random oligonucleotide labelling is more suitable for genomic DNA probe and the labelling efficiency could be increased by prolonging the labelling time appropriately .

  24. 结果表明:指甲花用量5%,染浴pH为4,80℃染色为宜;

    The results showed that it was convenient to dye at 80 ℃ and bath pH of 4 with henna concn . of 5 % .

  25. 在实际应用中,宜采用如下技术流程:采用高精度的星站差分GPS采集足够数量的地面控制点;

    In practical applications , are advised to use the following technical processes : Collect a sufficient number of ground control points by high-precision WADGPS ;

  26. 管道防腐宜采用三层PE复合结构防腐涂层牺牲阳极保护。

    For pipeline corrosion protection , anticorrosive coating of composite structure with 3 coats of PE and sacrificial anode protection should be adopted .

  27. 加入NR可使PB混炼胶的最宜加工温度和速度范围变宽。

    The optimum ranges of processing temperature and curing rate for1,2-polybutadiene are widened by blending with natural rubber .

  28. DMSO宜用低于1%的体积分数;

    DMSO is used in the concentration below 1 % ;

  29. 工程设计中,在水解酸化反应器后应加设沉淀单元。在SBR好氧生物处理系统中,曝气反应时间宜大于6.5小时。

    In the system of SBR following biological hydrolysis reactor , the aeration period should exceed 6.5 hours .

  30. 早期治疗是关键,以尽早达到局部控制,分期ⅠE超腔以上宜行综合治疗。

    Early therapy is the key , which can achieve good location control . Diseased stage ⅰ _E out-cavity and above should be treated with combined therapy .