
  1. 这些神话传说反映了古人对原始舞蹈的一种感知。

    These myths reflect the understanding of ancient people in primitive dances .

  2. 这在原始舞蹈的发展进程中是至关重要的一步。

    This was a crucial step in the development of primitive dance .

  3. 这部乐舞看来也和氏族传统的原始舞蹈有着渊源关系。

    This dance also seems to have a close relationship with primitive dances of the clans .

  4. 从史前岩画看贵州少数民族原始舞蹈的文化内涵

    Cultural Connotation of Primitive Dances of Guizhou Minority Nationalities from the Perspective of Prehistoric Rock Paintings

  5. 可见它原来也是氏族社会中的原始舞蹈。

    From this one can tell that the dance also came from a primitive dance of the clan society .

  6. 第二部分,究其舞蹈纯粹性的起源、形成、作用及原始舞蹈的发展雏形。

    The second part , investigate its dance dinkum sex of origin , form , function and the original dance development pattern .

  7. 原始舞蹈是人类生命之舞,它创造出人类早期的审美文化,也创造出人类对生命追求的渴望。

    Original dance is the human dance of life , which has creates the human early aesthetic culture , and to create human life the pursuit of desire .

  8. 本文首先通过对原始舞蹈的人类学分析,提出了人类族群建构始于原始舞蹈的理论。

    To begin with , this article makes an anthropological analysis of primitive dances , and puts forward the theory that the construction of human ethnic groups originated from the primitive dances .

  9. 傩舞具有悠久的历史,它的前身可以追溯到旧石器时代末期的巫,从八卦舞谱对傩舞步伐的记录中,能找到原始祭祀舞蹈的痕迹。

    Nuo Dance has a long history and its predecessor could be back to Wu at the end of Old Stone Age . This is because the trace of the original sacred dance could be found in the record of Nuo Dance steps from the Eight Diagrams Dance Notation .