
  1. 人微血管内皮细胞(HMEC)在血管发生中具有重要作用,内皮细胞由骨髓源原祖细胞分化而来,其分化的过程复杂,受到多种因素调控,目前还不能清楚的解释具体的调控过程。

    Human microvascular endothelial cells play an important role in angiogenesis . Its formation depends on the differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells , the proceeding of differentiation is extremely complex and under the regulation of lots of factors .

  2. 智慧保护了最初受造,世界上唯一的原祖。

    Wisdom protected the father of the world , the first man to be formed , who was created alone .

  3. “石房子”位于原祖州城内的山腰台址上,是辽太祖天皇帝庙。

    The " stone house " is situated at the platform site halfway up the mountain in the former city of zuzhou , which was once the temple of emperor Taizu of the Liao dynasty .