
  1. 美国柔道运动员NickDelpopolo被伦敦奥组委驱逐出奥运村。

    American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from Olympics in London for doping .

  2. 在全球赞助商下面还有国内赞助商:约有44家公司与伦敦奥组委签署了只覆盖英国本土的交易协议,包括英国石油公司(BP)和吉百利等。

    Below the global sponsors are the domestic ones : some 44 companies , from BP to Cadbury , have signed deals with LOCOG that cover only Britain .

  3. 2012伦敦奥组委主席科勋爵(lordcoe)的承诺更可靠一些,他称奥运会将鼓舞国民。

    Lord Coe , chairman of the London 2012 organising committee , is on firmer ground in promising that the Olympics will inspire the nation .

  4. 但约翰逊呼吁少利用法律,来保护国内赞助商以及国际奥委会(InternationalOlympicCommittee)的全球赞助商的权利。英国国内赞助商已向伦敦奥组委出资7.20亿英镑。

    Mr Johnson called for the light-touch use of laws enacted to protect the rights of domestic sponsors , which contributed 720m to the London organising committee , as well as the International Olympic Committee 's global sponsors .

  5. 伦敦奥组委与ODA之间已有2000多份大小合同生效。

    Between them , LOCOG and the ODA have awarded more than 2000 contracts , big and small .

  6. 伦敦奥组委主管反兴奋剂事务的乔纳森哈里斯(jonathanharris)表示:“成绩提高是我们关注的重点,因此我们将目标对准这些运动员。”

    Jonathan Harris , head of anti-doping for the London organising committee , said : " enhancements in performance is something we focus on so we target those athletes . "

  7. 伦敦奥组委主席科勋爵(LordCoe)不久前因一时疏忽,引发了一场争议,当时他被问及如何施行品牌保护法,来保护阿迪达斯(Adidas)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)等奥运会赞助商。

    Lord Coe , the Locog chairman , on Friday inadvertently fuelled the controversy when asked how the brand protection laws would be applied to protect games sponsors such as Adidas and Coca-Cola .

  8. 伦敦奥组委主席是塞巴斯蒂安•科(SebastianCoe),而本次赛事的主席是英式橄榄球联盟(RugbyFootballUnion)的首席执行官伊恩•里奇(IanRitchie)。该联盟是英式橄榄球的管理机构,负责确保本次赛事顺利进行。

    The tournament 's Sebastian Coe equivalent is Ian Ritchie , chief executive of the Rugby Football Union , English rugby 's governing body , in charge of making sure the event runs smoothly .

  9. 伦敦奥组委首席执行官保罗戴顿(PaulDeighton)表示,观看上述赛事的观众不会获得退票,这主要是因为他们也观看了其他比赛。

    Paul Deighton , the chief executive of London 2012 said spectators at the matches would not receive a refund for their tickets , chiefly because they also saw other games .

  10. 很多奥运会和残奥会明星早前曾在白金汉宫与女王、爱丁堡公爵、剑桥公爵夫人、首相戴维•卡梅伦以及2012年伦敦奥组委主席LordCoe一起庆祝他们获得的成就。

    A host of Olympic and Paralympic stars had earlier been at Buckingham Palace to mark their achievements along with the Queen , Duke of Edinburgh , Duchess of Cambridge , prime minister David Cameron and London 2012 organising committee chairman Lord Coe.

  11. 当天是奥运圣火在英国传递的第53天,而接见伦敦奥组委主席SebastienCoe也是当天的一项任务。距离在伦敦点燃圣火宣告第30界奥运会开幕还有不到3个星期的时间。

    Day 53 of the relay also included a meeting with LOCOG Chairman Lord Sebastien Coe. It is less than three weeks before the torch is lit in London to signal the start of the 30th Olympiad .

  12. 伦敦奥组委及其票务代理机构Ticketmaster在圣诞节联系失误门票持有者,向他们提供其他选择,第一个备选就是那些他们曾申请过但没能申请到的赛事门票。

    Locog and its ticket agent Ticketmaster spent the Christmas period contacting ticket holders and offering them alternatives , starting with tickets for sports they had applied for but been unsuccessful .

  13. 尽管伦敦奥组委专门在从希斯罗机场到驻地的M4高速公路上设置了奥运会专用快速通道,但是载有美国与澳大利亚运动员的两辆大巴还是分别迷路了3个小时与将近4个小时。

    Two buses containing Americans and Australians were lost , one for nearly four hours , the other three hours this morning , even though their route was supposed to be fast-tracked by the implementation of the Olympic lane on the busy M4 motorway from Heathrow .

  14. 伦敦奥组委承认低估了奥运所需保安人数。

    The committee conceded that it had underestimated the number of security guards needed .

  15. 伦敦奥组委拥有一个独立的品牌保护团队。

    LOCOG has a separate brand protection team .

  16. 伦敦奥组委不但同这些国内赞助商交易,还雇佣了承包商来帮助举办赛事。

    As well as dealing with these domestic sponsors , LOCOG hires contractors to help stage the games .

  17. 在赢得2012年奥运会主办权不久之后,伦敦奥组委就开始为比赛做准备了。

    The London Olympic Committee started preparations for the games shortly after winning its bid for the2012 Olympics .

  18. 如果新门票比原来的更便宜,伦敦奥组委还会返还差价。

    It has also offered to repay any discrepancy if the new tickets cost less than the originals .

  19. 但伦敦奥组委的一位女发言人却对这个故障一笑置之,补充说:“它不是我们的钟表。”

    However , a LOCOG spokeswoman laughed off the malfunction , adding " it is not our clock . "

  20. 让我们把目光转回大托林顿。伦敦奥组委的一位女发言人说:“火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。”

    Back in Great Torrington , a spokeswoman for LOCOG said : " The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner . "

  21. 伦敦奥组委不得不匆忙道歉,过了一个多小时,球员们终于返回比赛。

    They eventually returned to start the match over an hour later , as London Games organizers were forced to issue a hasty apology .

  22. 伦敦奥组委今天证实,刚刚传递了3天、走过了115英里的奥运火炬传递中途熄灭。

    It 's been going for just three days and 115 miles but the Olympic Torch Relay has already burnt out , organisers confirmed today .

  23. 我要感谢伦敦奥组委团队的出色工作,感谢他们做出了卓越的成绩。

    I want to thank the entire team at the London Organizing Committee - superbly led by Lord Coe - for their excellent and hard work .

  24. 伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安柯伊承认有一部分奥运场馆的座位向士兵与学生免费开放,但是他同时声明大部分的场馆坐满了观众。

    London 2012 chairman Sebastian Coe said troops and students would be given the empty seats at a number of Olympics venues but claimed most were full .

  25. 门票升级不需要额外花费,伦敦奥组委不收取花样游泳门票和备选门票的差价。

    The upgrades have come at no additional cost , with Locog not charging for any discrepancy between the synchronised swimming tickets and the alternatives on offer .

  26. 伦敦奥组委表示,这一全球著名的特技飞行表演队将以“大决战”队形飞过贝尔法斯特、加的夫、爱丁堡和伦敦,来开启这场盛会。

    The world-famous RAF aerobatic display team will fly in Big Battle formation across Belfast , Cardiff , Edinburgh and London to herald the Games , Locog said .

  27. 英国政府和伦敦奥组委及其他有关部门为筹备奥运做出了巨大努力,祝愿伦敦奥运圆满成功。

    The British government , London Olympic Organising Committee and all the other official bodies involved have made tremendous efforts . I wish the London Olympics a great success .

  28. 但是,伦敦奥组委应当避开电脑。伦敦不需要提供壮观的场面,只需要略微提醒人们,奥运会只是一场体育比赛。

    But they should steer clear of computers . London does not need to offer grander spectacle , more a gentle reminder that it is all just a game .

  29. 在奥运开幕式上混入印度代表团队伍中的女子身份确定为开幕式的一名表演人员,2012伦敦奥组委主席塞巴斯蒂安-科表示。

    The woman who appeared in India 's Olympic contingent in the opening ceremony was a cast member in the event , London 2012 's Seb Coe has said .

  30. 或许对下届奥运会承办城市而言已经没有压力了,因在四年前,伦敦奥组委就已向世界传达了将举办一届令人鼓舞的奥运会开幕式。

    No pressure on the next Olympic host city then ! With just four years to go , the London Olympic organisers have promised to deliver an equally inspirational ceremony .