
  • 网络background star
  1. 相中的白点是一颗背景星。

    The white dot in the photos is a background star .

  2. 背景:星状神经节阻滞(stellateganglionblock,SGB)现已广泛应用于疼痛性疾病的治疗,其作用机制尚在研究中。

    BACKGROUND : The technique of stellate ganglion block ( SGB ) is used widely in the treatment of painful disease , but its mechanism still remains unknown .

  3. 基于游戏背景,星灵是不会被感染的。

    Based on the lore , the Protoss do not become infested .

  4. 以NASA新千年计划中的深空计划3为背景,使用星载类GPS的伪距和载波观测数据,研究利用编队卫星间相对测量,高精度自主确定三星编队星座相对状态的有关问题;

    The Deep Space 3 is a proposed mission by NASA within the New Millennium Program . This paper primarily studies the relative state parameters autonomous determination of three satellites formation of the Deep Space 3 using inter-satellite relative measurements of like-GPS carrier phase and a ranging code onboard .

  5. 背景光对星地量子密钥分配量子误码率的影响

    Influence of background light on quantum bit error rate in satellite-to-ground quantum key distribution

  6. 恒星背景噪声对星间激光链路跟瞄系统影响的仿真分析

    Influences of stellar background noise on tracking and pointing subsystem of intersatellite optical communications

  7. 背景:天狼星红是一种强酸性阴离子染料,染色后不褪色且具特异性,是目前胶原染色的最佳染料。

    BACKGROUND : Sirius red is a strong acid anionic dye . Being not-easy-to-fade and specific , sirius red becomes the best dye for collagen staining .

  8. 本文以APS(activepixelsensor)星跟踪器为研究背景,对基于星跟踪器的航天器姿态确定方法进行研究。

    The orientation of the spacecraft can be determined by star light vector . The attitude determination algorithms for APS ( Active Pixel Sensor ) star tracker were investigated .

  9. 以主星&辅星编队InSAR系统干涉测高为应用背景,研究辅星编队的优化设计问题。

    Height measuring by master satellite and concomitant satellite formation InSAR system being the background , the problem of the concomitant satellite formation configuration optimal design is studied .

  10. 基于新发现的2&5μm的红外背景和星系前星,我们讨论了各种模型的尘埃对3K宇宙微波背景谱所产生的影响。

    Based on the discovery of an IR background in the waveband 2-5 μ m and pregalactic stars , we discuss the effect of the 3K cosmic microwave background spectrum from dusts of various models .

  11. 背景辐射功率对星载激光高度计信噪比的影响研究载波的调频噪声电平

    Influence of background radiant power on the signal-to-noise ratio of space-borne laser altimeter