
  • 网络Bokeh
  1. 若与合适的图像处理软件结合在一起,它可以增添昂贵的单反相机可实现的效果(例如背景虚化或浅景深),而不需要安装额外的镜头。

    When combined with the right image-processing software it can add effects associated with expensive single lens reflex cameras , like a bokeh background or shallow depth of field , without needing to attach extra lenses .

  2. 这款智能手机主打精确的三维人脸检测、动态光照、图像美化,拥有自然的背景虚化效果和华为混合变焦,以及全球第一的徕卡前置摄像头,这个摄像头有一个更亮的传感器和大光圈,为用户带来更好的自拍体验。

    The latest smartphone features artistic portraits with precise 3D facial detection , dynamic illumination , portrait enhancements , natural bokeh effect and Huawei Hybrid Zoom as well as the world 's first Leica front camera with a new , brighter sensor and larger aperture for outstanding self-portraits .

  3. 除此之外,整体而言,图像质量是喜忧参半:良好的清晰度和巨大的背景虚化,但讨厌的色差,不能轻易删除。

    Other than that , overall the image quality is a mixed bag : good sharpness and great bokeh , but nasty chromatic aberration that can not be easily removed .

  4. 此外,我的画面的背景不同于培根,我的背景广大、虚化、深沉;

    In addition , the backgrounds of my paintings are different from those of Bacon ' s.They are extensive , indistinct and dark .