
  • 网络Storage resources;Stock Resources
  1. 它通过高效地重新组织关键数据库(并且最大限度地减少停机时间)来改进数据储存资源的利用率。

    It improves the utilization of data storage resources by efficiently reorganizing vital databases with minimal application downtime .

  2. 第三阶段应实现总需水量低于地下水系统补给资源量,使数十年超采造成的储存资源亏空逐年得以偿还。

    In the third step , the total water requirement should be less than the renewable resources to compensate for the loss of storage resources due to the exploitation in the previous steps .

  3. 仓鼠妈妈这样做是为了储存资源,因为它们知道自己实际能照料多少幼崽。而这个数字通常小于仓鼠幼崽的总量。

    Hamster mothers will do this in order to conserve resources because they know how many babies they can actually take care of , a number often smaller than the number of baby hamsters in a litter .

  4. 工作记忆(workingmemory,WM)是指一种对信息进行暂时性加工和储存的资源有限的记忆系统。

    Working memory is the limited memory system that stores and processes temporarily .

  5. 该规范定义了如下的可储存于资源仓库里的工件

    The specification defines the following artifacts that can be stored in repository

  6. 文档工件-任何储存在资源仓库中的物理文件。

    Document Artifact-any physical documents stored in the repository .

  7. 您可以使用这些并将视图与储存库资源联系起来。

    You can use these and associated views to work with the repository assets .

  8. 根据储存在资源仓库里的策略记录来强制执行自动化工具策略。

    Automated tooling performs policy enforcement based on policies of record stored in the repository .

  9. 着眼未来,争取青年,吸纳、储存潜性资源;

    Looking to the future and win over the youth to absorb and store potential resources ;

  10. 储存图书馆与资源共享&关于建立我国虚拟储存图书馆系统的构想

    The Depository Library and Resource Sharing - A Conceived Plan for Founding a Virtual Depository Library System In China

  11. 本文在论述矿产资源有效配置的同时,对边际开采成本逐渐增长、矿产资源最优耗竭理论、矿产资源利用贴现率和为后代储存的矿产资源量等问题进行了讨论。

    This paper discussed efficient collocation for mineral resources . In the mean time , some important problems , such as marginal mining cost increasing , optimizing exhausting theory of mineral resources , discount rate for mineral resource exploitation , mineral resource storage for offspring , are discussed as well .

  12. 为此,提出以下设计思路和方案:1、雨水储存可分为资源型储水和生态型储水,各有针对性的设计方案。

    Rainwater storage is divided into resource-based storage and ecotype storage with pertinent scheme .

  13. 项目小组把所有关于他们软件产物储存于一个资源库中,并使用专门的工具处理他们。

    Project teams stored all of their software artifacts in one repository and used proprietary vendor tools to work on them .

  14. 提出有控制地储存冬季的冷资源用于农产品的贮藏保鲜。

    The principle , characteristics and the status quo of using the natural cold resource for ice-making to preserve the fresh agricultural products are demonstrated .

  15. 本文中描述的项目结构反映了典型的客户使用,假设大多数的用户并不用访问所有储存库中的资源。

    The project structure described in this article reflects the typical customer use , given that the average user will not have access to all of the resources in the repository .

  16. 人类信息加工与暂时储存两种功能共享工作记忆中有限的认知资源,如果信息加工消耗的资源多,可用于储存的资源就少。

    Information processing and temporary storage functions of the human share the limited resources in working memory , which means the more the cognitive resources are consumed in the function of information processing , the less the space is left for the information storage .

  17. 储存库末端是一个相关的数据库,它用于储存所有的服务器资源与工件。

    The repository backend is a relational database , which is used to store all of the server resources and artifacts .