
  1. 地震和测井联合反演储层波阻抗技术

    Seismic and logging joint inversion of wave impedance

  2. 运用测井约束的地震波阻抗反演,可以较准确地获取储层波阻抗参数;

    With the log constrained seismic wave impedance inversion , the wave can impedance of reservoir be obtained exactly .

  3. 第四步,根据得到的储层波阻抗与孔隙度之间的函数关系,将地震波阻抗体定量转换成储层孔隙度体。

    4th , on the basis of obtained functional relation between reservoir wave-impedance and porosity to quantitatively convert seismic wave-impedance body into reservoir porosity body .

  4. 测井与地震相关表明储层波阻抗与孔隙度有很好的相关性,与渗透率和含气饱和度有较好的相关性,而与泥质含量相关性较差。

    The oil well logging and the seismic correlation indicated the reservoir wave impedance and the porosity have the very good relevance , And contains with the penetration coefficient was mad the degree of saturation has the good relevance , But misses with the shale content relevance .

  5. 储层砂岩波阻抗及拉梅常数实验研究

    Experimental Study on Wave Impedance and Lame Constant of Reservoir Sandstones

  6. 复杂储层地震波场正演与偏移

    Seismic Wave Field Forward Modeling and Migration for the Complex Reservoir

  7. 储层裂隙波场特征物理摸型实验研究

    Physical model experiment of wave field characteristic relating to reservoir fractures

  8. 小波尺度域含气储层地震波衰减特征

    Characteristics of seismic attenuation of gas reservoirs in wavelet domain

  9. 裂缝储层地震波特征响应的物理模型实验研究

    Seismic responses to fractured reservoirs by physical modeling

  10. 综合应用地震和测井资料,进行曙2728井区低渗透岩性油藏储层的波阻抗反演。

    Wave impedance inversion for low permeability lithologic reservoir in Shu2728 area is implemented incorporating seismic and logging data .

  11. 利用电缆本体分布电容作储能电容之波过程分析

    The Wave Course Analysis about Energy Storage Capacitance with the use of a Distribution Capacitance of the Electric cable

  12. 应用地质统计方法,计算出储层孔隙度与波阻抗模型中的常数。

    The geostatistics methods have been used to calculate the constants applied in the reservoir porosity and impedance models .

  13. 在不同围限压力下,利用超声波脉冲透射法对一套物性参数变化较大的储层砂岩弹性波速度进行了实验测量。

    Under the different confining pressure , a suit of elastic velocities reservoir sandstones with widely varying petro-physical properties was measured using ultrasonic pulse transmission technique .

  14. 地震是渤海地区油气开发结构的控制荷载,由于罐内液体的存在对储油罐平台在波地震等荷载作用下的动力响应影响较大,使其动力特性不同于一般的导管架平台。

    Earthquake is the control load of offshore structures located in Bohai . Since the effect of liquid in the storage tank on the dynamic response of offshore platform subject to earthquake is remarkable , the dynamic characteristics of platform with storage tank are different from the common jacket platform .