
  1. 同时统计分析了安康站入库洪水的歇洪间期、罕见洪水的特征和汛后期最后一场洪水出现的时间。

    Intervals between floods , characteristics of infrequent floods and occurrence time of final flood in the flood recession period are analyzed at Ankang station .

  2. 安康水电站100t垂直升船机电气设计

    Electric design of 100 t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station

  3. 安康水电站100t垂直升船机是通过门式起升机构将上游船只从18号、19号坝段之间垂直提升至坝顶,再水平运至下游降入消力池航道。

    100t vertical ship lift in Ankang Hydropower Station vertically lifts the upstream ship through gantry crane mechanism from No. 18 and No. 19 dam sections to the dam top and then transports it horizontally to the ship channel in the downstream .

  4. 安康水电站泄水建筑物的水力学原型观测

    Hydraulic Prototype Observation of the Outlet Structures at the Ankang Hydropower Station

  5. 安康水电站坝址区变形观测系统

    Deformation Obervation Network At the Dam Site Area of Ankang Hydropower station

  6. 安康水电站投运后的系统运行问题

    The Operation of Ankang Hydropower Station in Power System

  7. 安康水电站水轮机运行性能优化途径

    Operation performance optimization for turbines of Ankang Hydropower Station

  8. 安康水电站动能指标复核研究

    Study on Checking Energy Index for Ankang Hydropower Station

  9. 安康水电站表孔预应力闸墩优化设计

    The surface hole of pre-stress gate frusta optimizing design in Ankang waterpower station

  10. 安康水电站1号机组调节稳定性计算分析

    Calculation & Analysis of Regulation Stability of Unit 1 , Ankang Hydropower Station

  11. 安康水电站大坝安全监测系统有关问题探讨

    Discussions on some problems of dam safety monitoring system of the Ankang Hydropower Station

  12. 汉江上游石泉和安康水文站径流规律分析

    Analysis on Runoff Law of Shiquan and Ankang Hydrological Stations in Upper Hanjiang River

  13. 汉江安康水电站降水间接指标与太阳黑子活动关系讨论

    On Relation of indirect Precipitation index of Han River Ankang Hydropower Station With Sunspot Activity

  14. 安康水电站尾水边坡2号复合滑坡体稳定分析

    Stability analysis of No.2 compound landslide on the right tailwater bank of Ankang Hydropower Station

  15. 水工建筑物修补新技术在安康水电站左岸中孔上的应用

    Application of a new repair technique in the left bank middle outlet of Ankang hydropower station

  16. 安康水电站表孔消力池破损原因分析及加固处理

    Analysis on the damage causes of the stilling basin for the Ankang Hydropower Station and its reinforcement

  17. 安康水电站中孔采用了大吨电位预应力弯曲锚索。

    Curved prestressed cables were used for strengthening gate piers at the central span at the Ankang hydropower station .

  18. 我们利用该分析方法对安康水电站左岸绕坝渗流问题进行了试验分析,并得到了满足设计要求的试验成果。

    A three-dimensional seepage study on this electrical network for the left bank of Ankang water power station were carried out , and the test results were satisfied the design requirements .

  19. 在广泛调查分析国内目前先进励磁装置及其工作性能的基础上,提出了适合安康水电站机组励磁系统改造的最佳方案&双微机全控桥式自并励磁系统。

    Based on a large number of investigations and analysis of excitation settings and their performance in homeland , this paper presents a better project , which adapts to the alteration of excitation system in an_kang hydropower plant-excitation system on double microcomputer .

  20. 安康水电站原励磁装置严重制约已实施改造的微机调速、微机保护、计算机监控作用的发挥,已成为进一步提高电厂整体自动化水平的瓶颈。

    The old excitation setting in an_kang hydro power plant restricts the development of the microcomputer regulator of speed , microcomputer protection and the computer supervisor and control that has altered , has become a bottleneck in improving the level of automation in power plant .

  21. 针对安康水电站1号机组的具体情况,对其在负荷调节过程中的调节稳定性及调节品质进行了分析计算和研究,并提出了改善调节稳定性的参数设置及应注意的问题。

    In the light of specific condition of unit 1 in Ankang Hydropower Station , calculation and analysis are conducted for the regulation stability and quality in the process of load regulation . The data setting to improve regulation stability and problems to be noticed are set forth .