
  • 网络technical framework;IATF
  1. 基于Internet的直接网络数据服务的基本概念与技术框架

    Direct Internet Data Service Fundamental Concepts and Technical Framework

  2. BP模型定义了技术框架来将业务规范和IT开发联系起来。

    The BP model defines the technical framework to align business specifications with IT development .

  3. 现有林经营管理系统的技术框架与GIS外壳的研建

    Techniques Format of Forest Management System and GIS System Tool Developing

  4. 高层体系结构(HighLevelArchitecture,HLA)是用于产生计算机仿真系统的通用技术框架。

    HLA ( High Level Architecture ) is a common frame applied for computer simulation system .

  5. 并结合技术框架给出了脉冲星X射线脉冲星姿态测量的工作流程。

    The process of Attitude measurement based on X-ray Pulsar is given with the technology frameworks .

  6. 新一代分布式仿真技术框架HLA

    High Level Architecture : a New Generation Frame of Distributed Simulation

  7. 基于MDA的HLA仿真技术框架设计

    Design Of the MDA-based HLA Simulation Technique Framework

  8. 新一代仿真技术框架HLA中基于组播通信的数据过滤机制

    The Data Filtering Scheme Based on Multicast in High Level Architecture Technology Framework

  9. 基于Multi-Agent的网络化智能CAI技术框架

    Multi - Agent - based intelligent CAI

  10. 该重构造会暗示技术框架中的变更,例如,到SOA框架的移植。

    This restructuring could imply a change in the technological framework , such as a migration to an SOA framework .

  11. 本文介绍了在未来网络化时代工业自动化中的一种基本技术框架&基于Internet环境和多传感器融合的专家网络。

    This article describes the basic technologies frame for industrial automation in network time in future - the expert network based on Internet and multi - sensor fusion .

  12. 受控航天器的通用仿真框架HLA是构造建模与仿真通用技术框架的起点和基础。

    General Simulation Frame about Controlled Spacecraft HLA lays down a foundation for modeling and simulation .

  13. 材料生态循环评估体系(LCA)的技术框架

    The Technical Frame for Life - Cycle Assessment of Materials

  14. HLA是成熟、先进的分布交互仿真技术框架,有诸多优点,也有一些不足。

    HLA , a mature and advanced technology framework of distributed interactive simulations , has many advantages but a few insufficiencies .

  15. 对RD定位模型的构建和直接及间接定位算法进行了详细探讨。本文对比评价了几种卫星轨道描述方法,并设计了从不同SAR数据产品的元数据中提取必需成像参数的技术框架。

    The methods to construct RD geo-location model and the algorithms to solve the model directly and indirectly were explored in detail .

  16. 首先,本文明确了构建洪灾信息系统的主要技术框架,即:GIS技术、数据库技术和水文专业模型设计三个主要方面。

    Firstly , the main technic . structure of building flood information system has been ascertained in this dissertation , namely , GIS 、 database and hydrics model of three important aspects .

  17. 研究IHE技术框架相关内容,基于报告工作流集成模型设计了PACS报告工作流程方案。

    Research IHE technique frame , and design PACS reporting work flow based on RWF integration profile .

  18. 简要说明了生命周期评价法(LCA)的内涵、技术框架及其应用。

    It briefly explains the connotation , technical frame and application of life-cycle assessment ( LCA ) .

  19. IHE技术框架与医疗工作流集成

    IHE Technical Framework and Workflow Integration in Healthcare

  20. 结合面向可持续发展的SEA的内涵及重用性,概括了面向可持续发展的SEA的评价范围与分类,最后用图表列出了面向可持续发展的SEA的技术框架,并做出详细的分析。

    On the combination of the connotation and the importance of the sustainable SEA , an evaluation scope and classification is generalized , and a framework is included in the form of chart and analyzed as well .

  21. 高层体系结构HLA为分布仿真提供了一种软件总线加软构件的技术框架,其软总线&运行支持系统RTI提供了在分布环境中集成多种类型仿真应用的功能。

    The High Level Architecture ( HLA ) provides a software bus for distributed simulation which can integrate the various classes of simulations .

  22. IHE技术框架及其实现

    IHE Technical Framework and its Application

  23. Struts技术框架使得系统层次清晰、容易复用。第三,在对基于Struts技术架构的有线电视营业支撑系统分析的基础上,将原有的系统架构改造成为基于Spring的技术架构。

    Struts framework makes the system more clear and easy to reuse . Third , the the original Struts based framework is transformed to the Spring based in the CATV BSS .

  24. 本文采用J2EE技术框架和无线应用技术(WAP),设计了县级森林火险数据报送系统。

    In this paper , a data transmit system for county-level forest fire prevention is designed , which based on J2EE framework and Wireless Application Protocol ( WAP ) .

  25. 本论文从现有系统出发,研究如何将现有系统改造升级成符合IHE技术框架的兼容系统,从而增加现有系统的交互能力。

    This dissertation based on how to upgrade existing system to accord with IHE , improves its communication capability .

  26. 本文基于ERP产品线SSI的实践,提出集成技术框架(ITF)。

    This thesis synthesizes the practices in an ERP Product Line , and presents the concept of the Integration Technique Framework ( ITF ) .

  27. 探讨基于医疗信息系统集成(IHE)技术框架实现医院工作流集成。

    To study the Workflow Integration based on Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise ( IHE ) technical framework in the hospital .

  28. 基于IHE技术框架设计思想和结构化文档技术,设计了Full-PACS中的报告系统,实现了诊断报告的跨科室共享和结构化诊断报告生成。

    Design Full-PACS reporting system based on IHE and structured file techniques .

  29. 通过医学影像诊断工作站软件的开发、临床应用和测试结果,在实践中验证了医学影像Streaming技术框架的可行性与优越性。

    With the software development of medical image diagnosis workstation , as well as its clinical application and testing result , this thesis validates the scheme of the medical image Streaming Technology Framework in practice .

  30. 在分析MPLS基本原理的基础上,研究了MPLS技术框架下同时实现QoS技术和流量工程技术的可行性;

    Based on the analysis of the principle of MPLS technology , it studies the feasibility of the integration of the QoS and the traffic engineering under the framework of the MPLS technology .