
shēng qiān
  • promotion;move up;be transferred and promoted;rise up;be transferred upward
升迁 [shēng qiān]
  • [be transferred upward;promotion] 指工作调动且职位提升

  • 不循中道,纵得升迁何荣也

升迁[shēng qiān]
  1. 她必须努力表现自己以求得升迁机会。

    She had to push herself forward to get a promotion .

  2. 她现在升迁在望。

    She is on the fast track to promotion .

  3. 她感觉丈夫的意外升迁缩短了他的人生。

    She felt that her husband 's unexpected promotion foreshortened his life .

  4. 他们现在目睹自己的女儿们遭遇升迁的障碍,其结果令他们大为震惊。

    They 're now seeing their daughters hitting the glass ceiling and they are horrified at the effects .

  5. 他的升迁出人意料。

    His promotion was unexpected .

  6. Brassceiling(黄铜天花板)指存在于军队和执法部门中、阻止女性进一步升迁的一个无形障碍。

    Brass ceiling is an imaginary barrier which stops women from progressing in their careers within the military and law enforcement .

  7. 很多女性表示,这些限制抵消了她们为争取商业世界中平等地位而付出的努力。草坪天花板与升迁时遭遇的玻璃天花板一样,阻挡了女性在商界前进的步伐。

    Many women say the restrictions " glass ceiling , " the grass ceiling keeps women from advancing in business .

  8. “职业虚景”指的是老板为你的工作描绘出的那一层薄薄的发展前景,可能会包括职业升迁、薪水增长以及更多发展机会等,这样描绘的目的是为了让你相信未来会比现在更好。

    Career veneer1 refers to the thin layer of potential for career advancement2 , increase in pay and future opportunities that an employer paints on your job to convince you that the future holds something more than you are currently experiencing . For example :

  9. WEB数据库的体系结构升迁

    Promoting System Structure of the Web Database

  10. G银行的员工很关心薪酬的涨跌和职位的升迁。

    G Bank staff are concerned about pay and job promotion or down .

  11. 2.:升官;升迁corporateladder:公司的官阶.在一个企业里想要升迁,必须努力工作,再加上一点他人的帮助和运气。

    eg. It takes hard work and a little bit of help and luck to move up the corporate ladder

  12. 之后,她在公司不断得到升迁,最终在2006年10月被任命为CEO。

    She moved her way up the ranks at the company and was named CEO in October 2006 .

  13. 中国社会科学院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)社会学所研究员、性别学专家李银河说,在中国,年龄是决定升迁的重要因素。

    ' In China , age is a very big factor for promotions , 'says Li Yinhe , a gender sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  14. 根据传统的数据库应用系统的体系结构的不足,本文研究和总结了WEB数据库体系结构从传统的两层或三层升迁到多层的方法。

    According to the shortage of traditional system structure in database application system , this paper gives the method of promoting system structure from traditional two-layer or three-layer in web database .

  15. 特里爵士反复强调建立从底层员工到CEO团队的升迁渠道。

    Sir Terry repeatedly emphasises the importance of building a ladder of mobility from the shop floor to the CEO 's suite .

  16. 从长远来看,他说,mba学习应该让他们具备了在公司迅速升迁的能力。

    In the longer term , the MBA should give them the ability to rise rapidly through the company , he says .

  17. 在表升迁中声明参照完整性(DRI)所起的作用

    The effect of Declarative Referential Integrity ( DRI ) on table upsizing

  18. 在职业生涯的前30年里,克里斯普在伦敦金融城(CityofLondon)担任资深律师,升迁到受人尊敬的富而德律师事务所(FreshfieldsLawFirm)管理合伙人的神圣职位。

    For the first 30 years of his career , Crisp worked as a senior City of London lawyer , rising to the hallowed position of managing partner of the esteemed Freshfields law firm .

  19. 今年41岁的桑德伯格是在谷歌(Google)公司开始步入职场升迁之路的,现在她还在星巴克(Starbucks)和迪士尼(Disney)的董事会中任职。

    The 41-year-old Sandberg , who started her corporate climb at Google and now serves on the Starbucks and Disney boards , clearly stands out from the crowd .

  20. 在其它情况下,这本应是回味劳尔德贝兰克梵(lloydblankfein)长期快速升迁的一年。

    Under other circumstances , this would have been a year to savour in the long , rapid ascent of Lloyd Blankfein .

  21. 至于女性的升迁和薪酬问题,女性MBA毕业生每年都报告其收入低于男性毕业生,在公司高层中所占比例也偏低。

    As for female seniority and remuneration , year after year female MBAs report that they earn less than their male counterparts and are also disproportionately under-represented at the highest levels of companies .

  22. 此外,许多雇主还赋予了emba毕业生更多管理职责;在受访的学生中,有近三分之一(32%)得到了升迁。

    Likewise , many employers reward EMBA graduates with more management responsibility ; almost a third ( 32 per cent ) of students surveyed were promoted .

  23. 过去10年,华尔街人士一直在升迁:例如,在执掌德意志银行(deutschebank)之前,约瑟夫阿克曼(josefackermann)就是这样一位华尔街人士。

    Wall street people have been in the ascendant over the past decade : Josef Ackermann , for example , was one before he thrust himself to the helm of Deutsche Bank .

  24. 周凯旋与老友和商业伙伴张培薇(DebbieChang)一起运营着维港投资,张培薇促成了周凯旋与李嘉诚的第一次见面和之后的升迁,使其从相对普通的中产阶层脱颖而出。

    Ms Chau runs the business along with a long-time friend and business partner , Debbie Chang , who was instrumental in Ms Chau 's first meeting with Mr Li and rise from relative middle class obscurity .

  25. 通过需求分析、概要设计和详细设计及数据集成、数据库升迁等具体实现过程,构建了基于Oracle的汾渭盆地地裂缝地面沉降空间数据库,并对其进行了结构调整与性能优化。

    Through requirement analysis , constructional design , detail design , data integration and database upgrade , spatial database of ground fissures and land subsidence in Fen-wei Basin which is based on Oracle is constructed , and its structural adjustment and performance optimization are carried out .

  26. GDP是反映经济运行状况的重要指标,近年来它也逐渐成为干部考核的重要指标,在一些地方GDP成为衡量干部政绩、决定干部升迁去留的决定性因素。

    As a significant indicator reflecting economic progress , GDP has become also one of key indicators gradually used in cadre evaluation . In some local areas , GDP even becomes the key factor to evaluate a cadre 's political achievement and determine his promotion or devaluation of position .

  27. 与英国财相乔治奥斯本(GeorgeOsborne)和将接替布朗出任工党领袖的4名主要候选人一样,卡梅伦是一名职业政客&从研究员到部长顾问,一步步在党内升迁。

    Like George Osborne , the UK finance minister , and the four leading candidates to succeed Mr Brown as leader of the Labour party , he is a career politician who worked his way up through his party from researcher to ministerial adviser .

  28. 我今晚为你定了一桌菜,来庆祝你的升迁。

    I made reservations for dinner tonight to celebrate your promotion .

  29. 你将获得表扬与升迁。

    That you 're to receive a commendation and a promotion .

  30. 向他这样卖力工作的员工很容易会有升迁的机会。

    A hardworing employee like him is apt to get promoted .