
shēng guān
  • be promoted;advancement
升官 [shēng guān]
  • [advancement]晋升或提高到更高的等级或更尊贵或更显要的个人地位

升官[shēng guān]
  1. 2.:升官;升迁corporateladder:公司的官阶.在一个企业里想要升迁,必须努力工作,再加上一点他人的帮助和运气。

    eg. It takes hard work and a little bit of help and luck to move up the corporate ladder

  2. 他只要拍拍他领导的马屁就可升官。

    He can get promoted by only kissing his boss 's ass.

  3. 领奖然后朝着升官。

    Accept the award and then work toward getting a promotion .

  4. 太棒了!我要升官了。

    This is gonna be great . I 'll make lieutenant .

  5. 哇,你升官当部门主管啦。

    Wow , you 've been promoted to department head .

  6. 他的最后升官当权,令人惊讶。

    His eleventh hour rise to power surprised many people .

  7. 我不敢相信查德又升官了。

    I can 't believe Chad got promoted again .

  8. 嗨,戴伯特,听说你去年升官了。

    Hey , dilbert , I heard you got a promotion last year .

  9. 所以他一直没能升官。

    So he had got none of any advancement .

  10. 那家伙在想办法升官。

    That guy was gunning for a rise .

  11. 若我们闯过这一关,我们就升官了。

    B : If we pull this off , we 'll all get promotions .

  12. 阿玉升官后,还得到了一间新的“站长办公室”。

    In reward for the promotion , Tama got a new " office " .

  13. 比之《钦差大臣》,《升官图》更具有政治讽刺喜剧的典型性。

    Even though the orientation of its political satire has no longer been effective .

  14. 由于新业务员聪明机灵,他马上升官了。

    Because the new salesman was as sharp as a tack , he was quickly promoted .

  15. 现在你升官了。

    Now you are important .

  16. 唐:没错。嗯,赫伯刚升官。他要搬到新竹去了。

    Don : right . well , herb just got a promotion . he 's moving to hsinchu .

  17. 黄熙说:过去,每个人都会问我是不是要升官了。

    In the past , everyone asked about whether I was going to be promoted , said Huang .

  18. 到底能否如己所求地升官,我是一点风声也没有。

    I haven 't heard any news whether or not I 've been given the promotion I was asking for .

  19. 本文对升官图与子弟书这两种满汉双语民间叙事诗的特点和类型进行了分析介绍。

    The paper analyzed and introduced the characteristics and types of these two kinds of folk narrative poem in Bi-language of Manchu and Chinese .

  20. 重要的是当你升官时你千万别失去理智,不要新官上任三把火!

    It is important not to lose your heads when you get promotion just be patient and don 't do too many things at once !

  21. 事业运:今年容易升官,多花点时间在工作上,会得到不错的回报。

    Business : You 'll have lots of opportunities to be promoted . Spend more time on your work and you 'll be well rewarded .

  22. 升官后,嘉庆皇帝特许郭信回家探亲,娶了个美丽贤淑的妻子叫玉兰。

    Guo Xin was granted by Emperor Jia Qing to pay a home visit after promotion where he met and married a beautiful lady named Yu Lan .

  23. 当原来那个县里的人们知道潘升官后,他们为他感到高兴自豪,但是又觉得很遗憾。

    When the people in his old county heard Pan was being promoted , they were happy for him , and proud , too , but they also felt sorry .

  24. 这句语的意思就是说,一般人的行为,有一大部份都是取决于欲念,靠欲念才能做出决定的。例如:要升官,要当民意代表,要发财等等。

    It means that the common people 's conducts mostly depend on all kinds of desires , such as the desire of promotion , being the representative of public opinions , and making fortune etc.

  25. 结果有时就出现了一大群人资助一个人去读书,以便使他能够获得个一官半职;一人升官,鸡犬安宁。

    As a result , it happened that sometimes a group would join to aid in the education of one man so as to enable him to reach officialdom . One man rises to officialdom , then all his dogs and chickens will be promoted , is the saying .