
  • 网络a diamond necklace;Necklace
  1. 她的钻石项链在阳光下闪闪发亮。

    Her diamond necklace was sparkling / glittering in the sunlight .

  2. 九月,陈世英发布了“裕世钻芳华”(AHeritageinBloom),它被称为世界上最昂贵的钻石项链,估价2亿美元。

    In September , Mr. Chan unveiled A Heritage in Bloom , called the world 's most expensive diamond necklace , at an estimated cost of $ 200 million .

  3. “即使最溺爱孩子的父亲,也不会把钻石项链给他的女儿,让她带到学校里来。”巡官说。

    " even the most indulgent fathers don 't give their daughters diamond necklaces to take to school ," the inspector said .

  4. 穿的是AA的简单灰色T恤,波浪边短裤,还有假钻石项链。

    I was wearing a simple grey American Apparel t-shirt , scalloped shorts and rhinestone necklace .

  5. 不过,LadyGaga戴着价值300万美金的128.54克拉的蒂凡尼钻石项链,达成了她要的瞩目效果。

    But with the $ 30million 128.54 carat Tiffany diamond hanging around her neck , Lady Gaga had all the sparkle she needed .

  6. 香港——“世界上最昂贵的钻石项链”背后的创作者是香港珠宝设计师陈世英(WallaceChan),他从八岁就开始做手艺活了。

    HONG KONG - Wallace Chan , the Hong Kong jeweler behind the creation of what has been called the world 's most expensive diamond necklace , began working with his hands when he was 8 years old .

  7. 因影片《一个明星的诞生》而提名最佳女演员的嘎嘎,穿着AlexanderMcQueen黑色礼服,戴了一条亮闪闪的黄色钻石项链。这枚宝石奥黛丽赫本曾在《蒂凡尼早餐》宣传海报中佩戴过。

    The A Star Is Born Best Actress nominee teamed the dazzling yellow jewel , famously worn by Audrey Hepburn in her promotional shots for Breakfast At Tiffany 's , with a sculptural black gown by Alexander McQueen .

  8. 香港珠宝品牌Carnet的所有者兼设计师米歇尔·翁(MichelleOng)说,为了设计一枚花朵形状的胸针,以及一条缀着葫芦形状黄色硬玉的钻石项链,她花费几年时间收集形状大小合适的玉石。

    Michelle Ong , the owner and designer of the Hong Kong jewelry brand Carnet , said it took her several years to collect jade in the right size and shape for a floral-design brooch and a necklace of diamonds and gourd-shaped yellow jadeite .

  9. 你的钻石项链到底是从哪里来的?

    Where in the world did you get that diamond necklace ?

  10. 她的钻石项链一定很贵。

    Her diamond necklace must have cost a king 's ransom .

  11. GB/T13843-1992蓝宝石单晶抛光衬底片黑丝绒衬底上的钻石项链

    Polished monocrystalline sapphire substrates diamond necklaces on a background of black velvet

  12. 我想为我的妻子买一条钻石项链。

    I would like to buy a diamond necklace for my wife .

  13. 可后来她找到一条钻石项链还有许多胸针还有许多手镯。

    But then she found a diamond necklace and brooches and bracelets .

  14. 你会把我的钻石项链冰了。

    You 'll keep me iced out with diamond necklaces .

  15. 格伦维尔夫人称赞着她的钻石项链。

    Her diamond necklace was admired by Mrs. Glenville .

  16. 那个钻石项链让她看起来闪闪动人!

    E.g That diamond necklace makes her look stunning !

  17. 钻石项链,使您的胸前闪耀不灭的光芒。

    Your thorax glitters forever with a diamond necklace .

  18. 你从我这儿借走的那串项链并不是真正的钻石项链。

    That necklace you borrowed from me wasn 't a real diamond necklace .

  19. 她的钻石项链让我非常妒忌。

    Her diamond necklace makes me green with envy .

  20. 这个钻石项链很值钱。

    The diamond necklace is worth a lot .

  21. 黑丝绒衬底上的钻石项链

    Diamond necklaces on a background of black velvet

  22. 钻石项链和戒指漂亮的陈列在黑色的丝绒上面。

    Diamond necklaces and rings were beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet .

  23. 很喜欢这个人造钻石项链,它给简单的造型增添了一点小华丽。

    Love the rhinestone necklace , it give the simple style a little glamour .

  24. 那不是真钻石项链,是假的!

    That 's not a real diamond necklace , it 's just a fake !

  25. 可后来她找到一条钻石项链——还有许多胸针——还有许多手镯。

    But then she found a diamond necklace -- and brooches -- and bracelets .

  26. 她喜欢炫耀自己的钻石项链。

    She liked flashing her diamond necklace .

  27. 这条钻石项链花了我2000美金。

    The diamond necklace cost me2000 dollars .

  28. 钻石项链和戒指漂亮地陈列在黑丝绒衬垫上。

    Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet .

  29. 那是爸爸给她的钻石项链。

    Father sent her a diamond necklace .

  30. 她戴着个冕状头饰、一条钻石项链还有一个金手镯&全套首饰!

    She was wearing a tiara , a diamond necklace and a gold bracelet the works !