
  • 网络crystalluria;crystal;XTAL;CRY
  1. 同样若磺胺类西药与山楂、乌梅等酸性中药合用,可加重磺胺药引起的尿结晶而损害肾脏。

    Similarly , if sulfa medicine and hawthorn , ebony and other acidic combination of Chinese medicine can increase the crystallization of sulfa drugs which caused damage to the kidneys in urine .

  2. TH蛋白和枸橼酸对尿草酸钙结晶动力学的影响的研究

    Research of effects of tamm-horsfall protein and citrate on calcium oxalate crystallization kinetics

  3. 结论:BPH患者尿中草酸钙结晶指数增高可能与膀胱结石的形成有关。

    Conclusion ; Increase of the calcium oxalate crystallization index in urine of the patients with BPH may be related to formation of bladder stones .

  4. 前列腺增生对尿中草酸钙结晶形成指数的影响

    A study of effects on calcium oxalate crystallization index in urine of benign prostatic hyperplasia patients

  5. 益肾通淋汤对尿石病人尿中草酸钙结晶的影响

    Effect of Yi Shen Tong Lin Tang on Calcium Oxalate Crystal in the Urine of Patients with Urolithiasis

  6. 结论高草酸尿可致肾小管草酸盐结晶沉着,合并输尿管梗阻时沉着加重;高草酸尿和草酸盐结晶可造成肾小管上皮细胞凋亡;

    Conclusions Oxalate crystal deposition in the tubular lumen results from hyperoxaluria which is enhanced by ureteral obstruction ;

  7. 方法:分别测定BPH伴急慢性尿潴留(尿潴留组)、BPH不伴尿潴留(无尿潴留组)以及无BPH(对照组)的老年男性尿中草酸钙结晶形成指数。

    Method : Calcium oxalate crystallization index were determined in the group of urine of the patients in BPH with urinary retention , BPH without urinary retention and the control respectively .