
  • Unqualified products;【经】non-conforming article
  1. (三)向自己的亲友经营管理的单位采购不合格商品的。

    Purchasing from the unit managed by his relatives or friends commodities that are not up to standards .

  2. 根据欧盟的统计,2006年欧盟查出的不合格商品中近半数来自中国,近四分之一是中国产玩具。

    Almost half of all defective products identified by the EU came from China in 2006 , and almost a quarter were Chinese-made toys , according to EU figures .

  3. 到了20世纪,由于大公司和大企业的大量出现,导致各种不合格商品对消费者造成严重损害的案件大量涌现,惩罚性损害赔偿逐渐适用于产品责任,同时赔偿的数额也在不断增加。

    By 20 century , as appear of large company and large enterprise , in large number , All kinds of unqualified commodity formed serious damage to consumer , punitive and compensate system apply to the responsibility of product gradually , Also number of compensation unceasingly increase .

  4. (二)出售质量不合格的商品未声明的;

    Sales of substandard goods without proper notice to that effect ;

  5. 依法经有关行政部门认定为不合格的商品,消费者要求退货的,经营者应当负责退货。

    Business operators whose commodities have been certified by the relevant departments as substandard according to law shall accept return of such commodities as demanded by the consumers .