
  • 网络The Hateful Eight
  1. 昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(QuentinTrantino)用70毫米胶片拍摄了新片《八恶人》(TheHatefulEight),这部影片将在将近100家影院上映,它们和全国大多数影院一样,通常使用数码放映。

    Going , Going , Almost Gone Quentin Tarantino shot his latest , " The Hateful Eight , " in 70 millimeter , and the film is slated to play in almost 100 theaters that , like most of rooms across the country , now usually use digital projection .

  2. 不管你对塔伦蒂诺有何看法,你都应该去影院看《八恶人》,这样你就可以自己看看,这个行业被迫转向数码,对电影究竟产生了多大的影响。

    Whatever you think of Mr. Tarantino , try to catch " The Hateful Eight " on film so you can see for yourself how the industry-enforced switch to digital has radically changed movies .