- 网络A try;last-gasp;last hurrah

Mr Urban looks increasingly like someone fighting a rearguard action to keep their job .
It represents a last ditch attempt by the country to extricate itself from its economic crisis
It is too soon to tell whether US President George W. Bush 's decision to increase the number of American troops in Iraq will go down as the moment when the US began to turn the situation around ; or just a last , failed throw of the dice .
Get rid of your baby spade for the end play .
Is this Japan 's last bid to stay on top ?
In a last ditch effort at survival , they became cannibals .
Winter isn 't going away without a fight .
It 's the last-ditch fight for them .
Because this is our last shot .
Showing extreme courage ; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort .
There are a few ways that the NYSE and Deutsche Boerse can play this last round .
The Last Struggle on Finance of National Government in 1949 & Narrating and Commenting the Issuance of Silver Dollar Ticket
He 's betting his presidency on getting a health reform deal . This was his last ditch attempt to save it .
One aim of this higher visibility is to emphasize to the dark that any last-ditch attempts at disruption will not be tolerated by us .
To save the country 's pork industry , dozens of pig farmers gathered in London on Thursday to record their song " Stand by your Ham " .
And so 52-year-old Sean , who is from Brockley , in a desperate attempt to help the situation , posted toFacebook , asking his friends not to feed Eduardo .
The banks , meanwhile , are gearing up to spend millions of dollars in the next few weeks in a last-ditch attempt to remove clauses that would eat into profitability .
The personal , flat , categorical denial is the all-or-nothing bet : a manoeuvre of absolute last resort . If you are lucky it works and the caravan moves on .
The revelation that the Sideways world was a purgatory-ish afterlife led to a parade of tear-inducing reunions , while the Island story line ended with a final showdown between Jack and Smokey .
Haiti to Hold Second Round of Elections Sunday After a campaign , Haiti 's two second round presidential candidates are making their final push toward Sunday 's vote with concerts in Port-Au-Prince .
The dramatic part came when he then pushed his tattooed arm out through the shark 's gills and pretended to be fighting for his life by stabbing the killer fish in the head .
Brad ( monologue ) : It 's hard to be patient when you feel as through you 've blown your last chance . , and patience never was my Constant Companion 's strong suit ...
Henderson decided to make a last ditch effort - a solo swim toward a distant oil rig - when it became apparent that Coen , a slender man , was having serious trouble.Ken almost didn 't make it .
Edwards called up her friend Michelle Whitmore , who volunteered her black Labrador Macy as a doggie blood donor in a last-ditch attempt to save Rory , a procedure Heller said she had never performed before and was very rare .
They had taken up position for this final action , some on the heights of Rossomme , others on the plain of Mont-Saint-Jean .
Which means that after three films of The Lord of the Rings and three more of The Hobbit , we really have just seen Jacksons last hurrah .
There was a feature on legendary speed skater Gaetan Boucher , winner of two gold and a bronze at the '84 Sarajevo Games , who was about to take his last shot at the podium in the men's1,500 metres .
But it appears Huawei is not going away & at least not without a fight .
She will try again in London , an event which many believe will be her last Olympics and final shot at taking home a medal . Quote