
  • 网络Racing Clan;Flying Car Nation
  1. 不过用这个歌当飙车族帮派主题曲还真古怪

    Kind of a weird theme song for a biker gang , though .

  2. 只有一家飙车族酒吧开着

    Only place open is a biker bar .

  3. 例句:你觉得那些飙车族的成员如何?.

    A : What do you think of those members of the motorcycle racing clan ?

  4. 一个害羞的小个子男生,鼓起勇气走进布朗克斯区一家飙车族酒吧,清了清喉咙问道:嗯,这个,绑在外面停车表那只德国短毛猎犬是谁的啊?

    A timid little man ventured into a biker bar in the Bronx , and clearing his throat asked , Um , err , which of you gentlemen owns the Doberman tied outside to the parking meter ?

  5. 一个害羞的小个子男生,鼓起勇气走进布朗克斯区一家飙车族酒吧,清了清喉咙问道:“嗯,这个,绑在外面停车表那只德国短毛猎犬是谁的啊?”

    A timid little man ventured into a biker bar in the Bronx , and clearing his throat asked , " Um , err , which of you gentlemen owns the Doberman tied outside to the parking meter ? "