
  • 网络london fashion week;LFW
  1. 伦敦时装周将是一场活力四射的盛会。

    London Fashion Week will be a sparky affair .

  2. 蕾哈娜的英国品牌RiverIsland收藏品将在2月的伦敦时装周上首次亮相。

    Rihanna 's collection for British brand River Island will debut during London Fashion Week in February .

  3. MOSS小姐在疯狂夜店的聚会行将结束的时候她脱去套装,露出了屁股从而来庆祝“伦敦时装周”!

    Ms Moss ditches gown to show her rear at end of night 's raucous partying to celebrate London Fashion Week .

  4. 艾尔丹姆·莫拉里奥格鲁(ErdemMoralioglu)认为自己的企业是随着数码科技与社交媒体的崛起一同成长的:2006年出现了Twitter,同年,艾尔丹姆品牌登陆伦敦时装周。

    Erdem Moralioglu has seen his business grow alongside the rise of digital technology and social media : Twitter debuted in 2006 , the same year Erdem did during London Fashion Week .

  5. 对这位时装集团巴宝莉(burberry)的首席执行官而言,那段时期非常繁忙,该公司正在筹办它十几年来的首场伦敦时装周(londonfashion)发布会。

    It is a busy time for the chief executive of Burberry , the fashion group , as the company prepared for its first show at London Fashion Week in over a decade .

  6. 2012年,英国时装协会把伦敦时装周最后一天的男装秀改成为期四天的伦敦男装周(LondonCollections:Men),很快取得成功——先是在媒体上,而后在销售上。

    In 2012 , the British Fashion Council moved its men 's wear from a single day at the end of London Fashion Week to the four-day London Collections : Men and quickly found success , first in press , then in sales .

  7. 他认为如今这个时代是才华横溢设计师的黄金时代,并以英国英国时装协会(BritishFashionCouncil)设立的“Headonism”展览室项目为例证明。该项目旨在提携年轻的帽子设计师参加今年九月举办的伦敦时装周(LondonFashionWeek)。

    He believes there has never been a better time for talented young designers , and points to the British Fashion Council 's " Headonism " showcase , an initiative to promote young milliners that runs during London Fashion Week in September .

  8. 不久前,就在“无皮毛”伦敦时装周开幕的前几天,Burberry宣布他们将不再使用真皮。

    Earlier this year , Burberry announced that it would no longer manufacture products using real fur , days before a fur-free London Fashion Week commenced .

  9. 虽然说是伦敦时装周刚刚开始,但KATEMOSS却在参加了一个漫长的夜晚派对快要结束而去赴另一个烤肉聚会的时候,脱去了设计师为她量身定做的服装。

    It might be London Fashion Week-but Kate Moss decided to ditch her designer dress at the end of a rather long night partying when she stopped off for a late night kebab .

  10. 自从去年ISHU产品在伦敦时装周亮相,包括卡梅隆·迪亚兹、歌手乔·琼纳斯、拜仁慕尼黑的足球运动员热罗姆•博阿滕和音乐组合MajorLazer在内的一众知名人士都已纷纷购买。

    A host of celebrities including Cameron Diaz , singer Joe Jonas , Bayern Munich footballer Jerome Boateng and music producer Major Lazer have worn the ISHU after it was spotted at London Fashion Week last year .

  11. 《GQ》和《Vogue》等时尚杂志对“舒适搭配”都进行了特别报道,同时今年二、三月份,该潮流也成为了纽约、巴黎、米兰以及伦敦时装周上的焦点话题。

    Normcore was featured in fashion magazines like GQ and Vogue and was the talk of February and March 's fashion weeks in New York , Paris , Milan and London .

  12. 同时在演出之前米歇尔就大方承认她和卡拉迪瓦伊的关系。这位超模也刚在伦敦时装周上露脸,为奢侈品牌Burberry上台走秀。

    Meanwhile , before the show , Michelle was very open about her relationship with the supermodel who had just showed up on the Burberry catwalk for London Fashion Week .

  13. 在第一个拍摄于9月的伦敦时装周期间的YouTube视频中,也就是维多利亚在庆祝其同名时装系列十周年的时候,她向布拉斯伯格透露了她“新篇章”的细节。

    In the first new YouTube video , which was shot during September 's London Fashion Week after a celebration of the 10-year anniversary of her eponymous fashion line , Beckham revealed to Blasberg details of her " new chapter . "

  14. 伦敦时装周一直被认为不够时尚。

    London 's fashion week has always been considered slightly out of vogue .

  15. 封杀瘦模特的风暴冲击伦敦时装周

    Skinny Model Storm Hits London Fashion Week

  16. 要解决伦敦时装周的问题,必须先解决钱的问题。

    To fix the London Fashion Week problem , you first have to fix the money problem .

  17. 巴宝莉决定回来帮助庆祝伦敦时装周25周年纪念。

    Burberry decided to move back ... to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of London Fashion Week .

  18. 对于经济衰退可能对消费者行为产生什么影响,我在伦敦时装周上没发现多少一致看法。

    I could find little consensus at London Fashion Week on the impact the downturn might have on consumer behaviour .

  19. 我的骗局在一个阳光明媚的早晨被揭穿了,当时我们漂亮的编辑从伦敦时装周回来。

    My bluff was called one sunny morning when our beauty editor swept in from a London fashion week assignation .

  20. 2016年3月,她成为第一位在伦敦时装周上走秀的长胡子的女性。

    In March 2016 she became the first female with a beard to walk the runway at London Fashion Week .

  21. 上周六是伦敦时装周,海莉莫利,第二天起了个大早,前往工作地点。

    On Saturday , the second day of London Fashion Week , Hayley Morley , got up early and went to work .

  22. 这家英国最成功的时装公司每次都在伦敦时装周大秀光彩,今年也不例外。

    Britain 's most successful fashion house typically puts on London Fashion Week 's glitziest show and this year was no different .

  23. 伦敦时装周的独立品牌展区人迹罕至,就像禽流感恐慌后我路过的超市家禽区。

    The LFW exhibition area for independent labels was as deserted as the poultry aisle of a supermarket after an avian flu scare when I dropped by .

  24. 伦敦时装周将不会在今年的T台上展出任何使用动物皮草的服装或配饰,使其成为第一个无动物皮草的主要时装周。

    London Fashion Week will not feature any animal fur clothes or accessories on the runway this year , making it the first fur-free major fashion week .

  25. 时装业正在感到压力,这是我看过伦敦时装周之后得出的结论,这次时装周与英国服装销售数据挺相符的。

    Fashion businesses are feeling the pinch , judging from a visit I made to London Fashion week that coincided with the release of lousy UK garment sales figures .

  26. 她说:伦敦时装周对于英国时尚界极其重要。我期望从下一季起全身投入其中。

    She said : ` London Fashion Week is extremely important to the fashion industry in the UK and I look forward to being fully involved from next season .

  27. 其他人则表示,温图尔有望回故土英国任职,例如担任英国时装协会的主席,负责筹备伦敦时装周。

    Others say that Wintour is hoping to secure a job back in her home England , such as leading the British Fashion Council , which is responsible for organizing London Fashion Week .

  28. 据英国《卫报》报道,在去年的伦敦时装周期间,有250名反皮草抗议者,2月份的玛丽卡特兰佐秀场也受到了抗议者激烈的抵制。

    During last year 's LFW , there were 250 anti-fur protesters , The Guardian reported , and a show in February saw an activist storm the stage at a Mary Katrantzou show .

  29. 麦奎斯奥美达是今年三个重返决赛的入围者之一,他们迅速的成长(伦敦时装周时在泰特英国美术馆有精湛的表演),肯定会让他们成为这次参赛的强有力的竞争者。

    Marques ' Almeida are among three returning finalists this year , and their rapacious growth ( and a superb show at Tate Britain at London Fashion Week ), will surely mark them as real contenders this time around .

  30. 今年时装周预计在今年9月14日至18日举行,在此之前,由歌手帕洛玛费斯撰写并由善待动物组织出版的公开信中呼吁伦敦时装周和英国时装协会禁止动物皮草的使用。

    Ahead of this year 's fashion week , set to take place September 14 to 18 , an open letter written by singer Paloma Faith and published by Peta also called for LFW and the BFC to ban animal fur .