
  1. 在最近的一轮经费划拨中,英国迄今已争取到15.4%,仅次于德国。

    In the latest funding round , we have to date secured 15.4 per cent , second only to Germany .

  2. 1983年,希拉里领导的委员会给我们推荐了一个新的教育标准来执行法院平等教育经费划拨的裁定,因为一位有全国影响力的专家发报告说我们州的学校资助严重匮乏,是美国最糟糕的。

    In 1983 , Hillary chaired a committee to recommend new education standards for us as a part of and in response to a court order to equalize school funding and a report by a national expert that said our woefully underfunded schools were the worst in America .