
jiào yuè
  • review;proofread;inspect;check;read and revise
校阅 [jiào yuè]
  • (1) [read and revise]∶审阅校订

  • 校阅书刊

  • (2) [check]∶检查;查核

  • 校阅资财

  • (3) [inspect]∶检阅

  • 壮六军之校阅

校阅[jiào yuè]
  1. Oleat等研究者的主要研究成果进行了详细的评述,并进一步探讨了在CAT中增设校阅(review)环境的重要性和可能性。

    Oleat 's research and probes into the importance and possibility of review on CAT .

  2. 你校阅这部书的最后清样了吗?

    Have you checked the final proof of this book through ?

  3. 阅兵,校阅为阅兵仪式而集合(军队)

    To assemble ( troops ) for a ceremonial review .

  4. 我已经校阅此篇并将我校订的地方以黄色标示出来。

    I have revised the work and highlighted my revisions in yellow .

  5. 请慈悲的校阅并修订此英文译文。

    Kindly for your checking and revision ( English translation ), please .

  6. 从没有一只完成战备的单位能通过校阅。

    No combat ready unit has ever passed imspections .

  7. 亚洲国家重视校阅,讲外语还有更多的欲望。

    Asian countries value education , speaking foreign languages and are more engaged .

  8. 同侪校阅在写作教学中的积极作用得到了普遍认可。

    The positive function of peer review in teaching foreign language writing is well recognized .

  9. 你能校阅一下这份手稿吗?

    Would you please blue-pencil this manuscript ?

  10. 密歇根州立大学迪拜分校提供商务,工程,校阅和电信领域的本科学历教育。

    MSU Dubai offers undergraduate degrees in areas including business , engineering , education and .

  11. 此校阅档附呈。

    It is reviewed and attached .

  12. 同时,世界上的其他国家关注与他们的基础设施,新技术以及校阅。

    Meanwhile , other countries in the World are investing in their infrastructure , new technologies and education .

  13. 当原稿被采用出版时,便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅。

    When a manuscript has Been accepted for puBlication , it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny .

  14. 这些新兵都已领有制服,现在他们正在校阅场接受训练。

    The recruits were already given their uniforms , and now they are being drilled on the parade ground .

  15. 尽管本书经过七位医生校阅过,但如有任何医学上的错误完全由我们负责。

    While the book has been checked by seven different physicians , we assume all responsibilities for any medical errors .

  16. 调查笔录经被调查人校阅后,由被调查人、调查人签名或者盖章。

    Records of the investigation shall be checked by the investigated and signed or sealed by the investigated and the investigator .

  17. 我想感谢我的朋友,大卫·塞福特·鲁格教授,承蒙他校阅了最后的译本,提出了极其有用的建议和给予我们极大的鼓励。

    I wish to thank my friend , Professor David Seyfort Ruegg , for his great kindness in examing the final version and offering extremely helpful suggestions and encouragement .

  18. 它由穆罕默德记诵,再对他的追随者口述。他们依次记诵并写下它,再与先知穆罕默德一起校阅。

    It was memorized by Muhammad , who then dictated it to his Companions . They , in turn , memorized it , wrote it down , and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad .

  19. 在我校阅并修订那篇作品后,我告诉他不妨再以〈药师十二大愿领会无限的一体〉新写此篇文章。

    " After I reviewed and revised the article , I told him that he could consider writing it anew under the title ," Comprehending Limitless Oneness through the Twelve Great Vows of Medicine Guru Buddha .