
cǎo yào xué
  • herbology
  1. 他长大后变成了草药学教授,我想大部分人应该知道他的结局。

    He 's Herbology professor . I think most people know that .

  2. 但是支持者认为草药学是行之有效的。

    But supporters of Herbology believe it works .

  3. 野魔花现在属于非绑定物品,但需要275点草药学才能使用。

    Fel blossoms are now unbound , but have an additional requirement of275 herbalism to use .

  4. 第一个配方需要宁神花作为材料,他们需要草药学作为他们的采集技能。

    Going by the first recipe , which requires Peacebloom , they 'll rely on the herbalist gathering profession .

  5. 但我不希望你们以为我在草药学方面比她在行!

    But I don 't want you running away with the idea that I 'm better at Herbology than she is !

  6. 从上面提到草药学,飞行和魔药课这些课堂上的情况来看,他们甚至不是一个班的。

    Judging by the numbers cited above for herbology , flying , and potions , they must not even be in the same classes .

  7. 在美国,在越来越多的医学院校,未来的医生和护士正在学习解剖生理的同时学习针灸和草药学。

    In the United States , future doctors and nurses are learning about acupuncture and herbs along with anatomy and physiology at a growing number of medical schools .

  8. 目的通过对野牡丹全草进行生药学的研究,为正确用药提供鉴别依据。

    Objective To provide the evidence of identification for correctly using the Chinese herb Melastoma candidum D.