
  • 网络cultivated rice;oryza sativa;O. sativa;O.sativa.L
  1. 这些水稻结合了非洲栽培稻的特性例如耐旱和耐当地病害与亚洲栽培稻的高产特性。

    These combine traits of Africa 's Oryza glaberrima such as drought and local disease tolerance with the high yields of Asia 's Oryza sativa .

  2. 系统发育和群体结构分析表明亚洲栽培稻的驯化过程较为复杂,可能是多次独立驯化伴随着一次大规模的粳稻基因组到籼稻基因组的基因转移。

    Phylogenetic and population structure analysis showed that the domestication process of O. sativa was complex , and may be accompanied by a number of independent domestication with a large-scale gene flow from japonica to indica .

  3. 野生稻和栽培稻的随机多态DNA(RAPD)分析

    Random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) analysis of wild rice and cultivated rice

  4. 云南野生稻与栽培稻杂交F2分离群体的性状分布多态性

    Polymorphism of character distribution of F 2 segregated populations from Yunnan wild rice × cultivated rice

  5. 一个内含子长度多态性标记与栽培稻F1花粉育性基因座连锁

    An ILP Marker Close Linking with the Tentative Novel F_1 Pollen Sterile Locus in Cultivated Rice

  6. 结果表明,籼粳分化是栽培稻核DNA遗传分化的主流。

    The results are as follows . The indica japonica differentiation is main trend in nuclear DNA differentiation in cultivated rice .

  7. SSR标记在疣粒野生稻和普通栽培稻中的多态性研究

    Polymorphic Analysis between Oryza meyeriana and Cultivated Rice by Microsatellite Markers

  8. 挖掘野生稻新R基因用于栽培稻育种,比利用其它物种的R基因更安全、可靠和便捷。

    The usage of R genes from wild rice species for cultivated rice breeding is safer , more reliable and convenient than other species .

  9. 籼、粳稻cDNA序列的差异可能贡献于两个栽培稻亚种之间表型的变化。

    These cDNA variations between indica and japonica might distinguish the phenotypic changes of the two cultivated rice subspecies .

  10. R1和R2代田间抗病性鉴定发现,一些株系的抗赤霉病能力高于原供体品种。用6个栽培稻品种为核供体亲本,以O。

    Some plants in Rt and R2 generations showed higher resistance to scab than the original varieties . One set consisting of 8 cytoplasms originated from O.

  11. 野生稻与栽培稻rDNA的ITS序列分析及系统学意义

    ITS Sequences of rDNA in Wild Rices and Cultivated Rices and Their Phylogenetic Implications

  12. 335份旱稻核心种质构建与栽培稻抗旱相关QTL定位

    Developing a Core Collection of 335 Upland Rice and Mapping QTL Associated with Drought Tolerance in Rice

  13. 对12个不同类型栽培稻品种的研究表明,有丝分裂指数(MI)与剂量的关系可用线性回归方程拟合。

    Studies on twelve varieties of different cultured rice showed that the mitotic index-dose relationship could be fitted by linear regression equations .

  14. 另外,本实验中用11个SSR标记可以将选择的46份材料分为相对明显的野生稻、籼稻和粳稻三组,支持栽培稻二系起源学说。

    With 11 SSR markers the selected 46 accessions could be clustered into three subgroups , supporting the " two-line evolution " hypothesis .

  15. 栽培稻与普通野生稻BC1群体分子连锁图的构建和株高的QTL分析

    Genetic Linkage Map Constructed by Using a BC_1 Population and QTL Analysis of Plant Height for Common Wild Rice and Cultivated Rice

  16. 随着距离的增加,上述6种栽培稻受体的基因漂流频率迅速下降,发生大幅度下降的拐点在2m左右。

    Gene flow frequency was reduced as distance from pollen donor increased and a dramatic reduction occurred at about 2 meters .

  17. 利用DNA重组技术将外源基因导入栽培稻创造转基因水稻的方法为提高水稻产量、抗性和品质,解决日益增长的人口和粮食紧缺矛盾以及农业可持续发展开辟了一条崭新的途径。

    Recombinant DNA is a new method to create transgenic rice with foreign genes from other species . This method could be helpful to increase rice yield , quality and consequently to solve the problem between population expansion and sustainable development .

  18. 与Pi-2(t)基因连锁的栽培稻BAC克隆在药用野生稻和栽培稻中的比较物理定位

    Comparative Physical Map of Linked Markers of Pi-2 ( t ) Gene in Oryza officinalis and Oryza sativa with BAC-FISH

  19. 通过对栽培稻Waxy基因的序列多态性进行连锁不平衡分析,发现在全基因区域都存在较强的LD结构。

    Based on the analysis of linkage disequilibrium about the sequence polymorphisms of Waxy gene in the cultivated rice accessions , strong LD structure was identified through the entire region of this gene .

  20. 用ICP-AES方法测定了新平县相同生态条件下种植的653份云南稻资源糙米8种矿质元素含量,并按丁颖的栽培稻生态型对其遗传多样性进行了研究。

    Genetic diversity of rice according to Ding 's taxonomic ecotypes in Yunnan of Southwest China were investigated based on eight mineral concentrations of brown rice , using 653 accessions harvested from Xingping experiment farm under the uniform ecological conditions by ICP-AES method .

  21. 选取36个栽培稻、普通野生稻骨干系进行了RFLP聚类,并对分子标记法、程氏指数法和杂交亲和力法进行了比较分类。

    RFLP clusters were made in selected rice elite lines including 36 cultivated and common wild rice . Also , comparison and classification were carried on among the three : molecular marker method , morphological character index method and cross compatibility method .

  22. 籼稻(O.sativassp.Indica)和粳稻(O.sativassp.Japonica)作为水稻的两个栽培稻亚种,其亚种间存在着高度的遗传分化。

    Indica ( O. Sativa ssp . Indica ) rice and Japonica rice ( O. Sativa ssp . Japonica ) are two cultivated rice subspecies . These subspecies have a high degree of genetic differentiation .

  23. γ射线对不同类型栽培稻的辐射细胞学效应

    Radiation cytological effects on different types of cultivated rice by gamma-rays

  24. 光照周期和光照条件对江苏省杂草稻和常规栽培稻的萌发率没有影响。

    Weedy rice and cultivated rice were not affected by photoperiod .

  25. 野生稻和栽培稻的酯酶同工酶研究

    Study on Esterase and Isoenzyme of Wild Rice and Cultivated Rice

  26. 种质库栽培稻种子生活力监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring seed viability of rice cultivar germplasm in genebank

  27. 用粒形判别对古栽培稻属性的研究

    Study of Ancient Rice by Using Characters of Rice Grain

  28. 亚洲栽培稻分散起源的研究

    Study on Different Centers of Origin of Asian Cultivated Rice

  29. 栽培稻与其野生近缘种的可交配性研究

    Cross - compatibility between Cultivated Rice and Its Wild Relatives

  30. 而促进栽培稻的发展,必须建立野生稻自然保护区。

    Thus natural preservation for wild rice should be established .