
  • 网络Cultivar;S.tuberosum;solanum tuberosum
  1. 构建候选基因超量表达载体,利用农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法,将候选基因转入番茄栽培种中蔬5号中。

    Function characterization of candidate genes . Overexpression vectors were transformed into one tomato cultivar by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation .

  2. 陆地棉是棉花最主要的栽培种,其产量占全球棉花总产量的90%以上。

    Upland cotton is the major cultivar of cotton , and products more than 90 % of the total cotton fiber of the world .

  3. 香菇栽培种线粒体DNA和核糖体DNA多态性研究初探

    Initial study on ribosomal DNA and mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms of cultivate of Lentinus edodes

  4. 六倍体野生桑与二倍体栽培种远缘杂交F1代性比表现

    F_1 Sex Ratio Expression of Hexaploid Wild Mulberry × Diploid Cultivated Mulberry

  5. 马铃薯新型栽培种资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析

    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Neo tuberosum by RAPD Makers in Potato

  6. 然而人们发现这些渗入R基因的马铃薯栽培种的抗性不能持续很久。

    Yet it was found that the potato with an introgressed single R gene normally could not last for long .

  7. 马铃薯四倍体栽培种茎段组织的EMS诱变研究

    Research on Applying Stem Segment in Vitro of Tetraploid Potato Variety in EMS Mutation

  8. RP-HPLC法测定栽培种越橘果中花色素苷的含量

    RP-HPLC Determination of Anthocyanins Content in Cultivated Blueberries Varieties

  9. 在过去的几十年间,许多抗病(R)基因已经被克隆,其中有些R基因通过有性杂交的方式渗入到一些马铃薯栽培种中。

    During past years , many resistance ( R ) genes have been cloned and some of them have been introgressed into several potato cultivars by sexual crossing .

  10. 侧耳属(Pleurotus)二个野生种与一个栽培种之间亲和性研究

    Affinity between Two Wild and One Cultivated Pleurotus Species

  11. 本文通过同工酶、种子贮藏蛋白以及SSR三种标记方法对50份新疆棉花栽培种进行了遗传多样性分析。

    It studied the genetic diversity of 50 cultivated varieties of cotton by isozymei 、 seed protein and SSR in Xinjiang .

  12. 本文对兰属(Cymbidium)植物的七个种中的10个栽培种的光合途径进行了生理生化研究。

    The photosynthetic pathway of 10 cultivars of 7 species in Cymbidium were studied .

  13. 番茄栽培种AFLP指纹图谱的建立用AFLP标记构建白桦遗传连锁图谱

    DNA Fingerprinting of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill by AFLP Marker Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps of Silver Birch Based on AFLP Markers

  14. 广东栽培种提取物的DPPH自由基清除力最高,达到92.09%±1.52%。

    Guangdong cultivated fruit has the highest scavenging activities of DPPH radical with a value of 92.09 % ± 1.52 % .

  15. 首次利用新的SSR引物和已报道的5对SSR引物以及筛选出的ISSR引物,研究了27个桑树品系(包括19个栽培种和8个野生种品系)的遗传多样性。

    SSR , including 10 novel primers and five primers previously reported , and ISSR markers were used firstly to investigate genetic diversity of 27 mulberry accessions including 19 cultivated accessions and 8 wild accessions .

  16. 10个花生栽培种间的简单匹配相似系数为0.7712~0.9250不等,根据SRAP指纹图谱进行聚类分析可将这10个品种分为4类。

    The simple matching coefficient of the peanut varieties ranged from 0.7712 to 0.9250 . The varieties may be grouped into 4 categories based on cluster analysis of the SRAP fingerprinting data .

  17. 适合的接种量是每瓶750mL原种接3袋透气大塑袋(6Kg/袋)栽培种;

    The proper inoculation quantity is one bottle of mother spawn ( 750 mL ) inoculating 3 bags of spawns ( 6kg per bag );

  18. 以东方百合栽培种为材料,诱导2n配子,通过杂交受粉,采用胚培养成功培育出73株2n配子后代。

    Oriental hybrids cultivars were used as materials to cross by artificial pollination with 2n gametes , and 73 hybrid progeny plants were obtained by embryo culture , and then the hybrid seedlings were inducted by colchicines with different concentration and treating time .

  19. 胡椒栽培种与野生近缘种嫁接技术调查

    Technical Investigation of Grafting Pepper Cultivars onto Its Wild Relative Species

  20. 马铃薯新型栽培种在实生种子选育中的应用研究

    Study on the use of Nev-Tuberosum in true potato seed breeding

  21. 黄麻栽培种圆果种×长果种的种间杂交研究

    Studies of Interspecific Hybridization of Cultivated Jute Corchorus capsularis × C.olitorius

  22. 辣椒属栽培种主要表型性状的因子分析

    Factor Analysis on Main Phenotypic Traits in the Cultivated Capsicum Species

  23. 12种黑稻主要栽培种酯酶同工酶谱分析

    Zymogram Analysis of Esterase Isozymes of Main Cultispecies of Twelve Black Rices

  24. 芸薹属栽培种与近缘种的远缘杂交及进展

    Advances in Wide Hybridizations between the Cultivated Brassica Species and Their Relatives

  25. 棉花四个栽培种胚珠表皮纤维细胞分化的比较研究

    The comparative studies on fiber cell differentiation of Four Cultivated Cotton Species

  26. 黄麻属野生种与栽培种遗传资源多样性研究

    Genetic Diversity Research on Wild Species and Cultivating-varieties of Corchorus

  27. 棉属栽培种与野生种杂交的不亲和性

    Interspecific Incompatibility in Crosses Between the Cultivated and the Wild Species in Gossypium

  28. 野生花生遗传物质渗入到栽培种的分子证据

    Molecular Evidence for Gene Introgression from Wild Species to Cultivated Varieties in Peanut

  29. 茄子砧木与栽培种根的解剖结构比较

    A Comparison Between the Anatomical Structures of Eggplant 's Stock and Cultural Variety

  30. 马铃薯新型栽培种后代低还原糖材料的筛选与评价

    Evaluation and Selection of Low Reducing Sugar Clones in the Progenies of Neo-tuberosum