- plant;transplant

[plant] 栽种;种植
From results , it can be concluded that poplar is not suitable to plant widely in loess plateau area and only fit to favorable soil water condition .
The seeds ' box is compatible with a plant device .
These bushes are fairly recent plantings .
The hillside was planted with saplings .
The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city .
It is usually good practice to cull the poorest prior to field planting .
Contour planning with or without terracing is effective in conserving both soil and moisture .
Design of Control System of Desert Seedling Planting Mechanism Based on PLC
Total N and OM of the surface layer of different ages plantations increased with the increasing continuous cropping .
Improved Design of Duckbill Clip Movement in Planting Implement Based on ADAMS
The simulation analysis of working stability on a slideway parting-bowl-wheel transplanter based on ADAMS
Application of ABT RHIZOCALINE to tiller seedlings of jujube tree
The differences in light conditions , CO_2 exchanging rates and nutritive area per plant in these two grasses by planting density treatment would not be the same as usual .
The University of Illinois Extension says cabbage is easily transplanted from bare-root plants or cell packs . Bare-root plants have no soil on their roots . Cell packs are containers in which seeds are started .
The results showed that 1.5m × 1.5m rowing space was suitable planting density for Tilia amurensis .
In our country , poplar ( populus ) of planting throughout the country , is timber , shelterbelts and afforestation major forest tree species .
While cultivation of Ginkgo biloba had advantage both high and stable benefit but without any output in the first 5 years .
Crabapple ( Malus sp. ) , Malus of Rosaceae , has close genetic relationship with apple , and often been planted as pollination tree for apple .
Walnut seedlings were planted on the edge of the terrace in limestone mountain area with distance between plants 4 ~ 5 meters and averaging 375 seedlings per hectare .
Effect of China fir afforestation is better with less 1.5 metre-underground water level , well drained stub land selected and filling cultivation method used .
The result showed the planting density of row pitch 60 cm and row space more than 15 cm were the suitable density .
Optimal ecological conditions for the growth of planted Korean pine are sites with sparse bush cover , more than 2m far from big tree and a canopy density of 0 . 5-0 . 6 .
The trees began to bear in the 2nd year after planted , and the yield reached 15246kg / hm2 in the 5th year .
Seedling , naked root , was soaked in TCP-transpiration controlling preparation solution before planting , was again sprayed twice in succession at intervals of 10 days after planting , which increased 24.0 percent of survival rate .
The three kinds of intercrop model is different , the density of jujube planting is different , the height of jujube tree should he controled at 5 ~ 6 m.
Design of 2Z-2 Potato Fertilizing and Transplanting Machine
China is a largest country in plantation area , germ plasm of natural resources of seabuckthorn in the whole world , and its distribution area is about 2 million hm2 and more than 90 % of the world 's seabuckthorn resources .
The optimum sowing date of overwinter seed collecting beets in the early of Aug. in the low reaches of Changjiang River , transplanting period is in the mid-late of Semp . the transplanting seedling age is 8 ~ 10 leaves with 52500 plants / ha .
In the areas with precipitation of 200 to 400 mm , the main plantation should be drought resistant shrubs and grass and water retaining measures should be adopted to make full use of rainfall .
Thirty three trees from a seventeen years old plantation of Chinese tulip tree ( Liriodendron chinense ) in Fenyi county , Jiangxi Province were randomly selected , and their basic density , and fiber length of each growth ring for the increment core samples at breast height were measured .